HomeFit to SkiIndividual Exercises


Individual Exercises

Side Crossing Steps

The "Arthur Murray" exercise - with each step, land lightly on the balls of your feet with your knees slightly bent. Keep the head up and the torso upright throughout.

Read more: Side Crossing Steps

Side lunge walk, cross-kick

Keep the head up, the chest lifted, and the abdominal muscles tight throughout the series. Stand erect. Can-can kick across your body with one leg (reach the foot toward the opposite hand). As the foot comes out of the kick, take a big step to the side with it, landing in a side lunge position.

Read more: Side lunge walk, cross-kick

Sit-ups, Legs Fall to Side

Lie on your back with legs bent 90 degrees at the knee - the standard "sit-up" position. Extend your arms by your head, on the floor. Gently reach your hands over your knees as you curl your chest toward your legs in a sit-up (don’t fling or yank with the arms).

Read more: Sit-ups, Legs Fall to Side

Skip Rope

With a proper jump rope, start skipping. You can begin with alternating feet - one foot leads the other over the rope (switch the lead foot occasionally to develop symmetry). Add segments where you jump with both feet at the same time. Work up to longer periods of two-footed jumping. If you need a break, stop for a few seconds and then continue.

Read more: Skip Rope

Split Squats

Stand as if for a lunge: step one foot back about 2-3 feet. Squat down. When the back knee just brushes the floor, the front knee should be vertical over the foot. If the front knee is ahead of that foot, spread the feet further.

Read more: Split Squats

Sprint in Place

Run in place taking small but very fast steps. The goal is to make your feet move as fast as possible, always trying to go faster.

Read more: Sprint in Place


Stand erect with the feet about shoulder-width apart, feet pointed straight ahead or slightly toed-out, and the arms spread wide apart. Keeping the head up, the chest lifted, and the abdominal muscles tight, squat until thighs are parallel to the floor.

Read more: Squat/Cross-kick


Stand erect with the feet about shoulder-width apart, feet pointed straight ahead or slightly toed-out. Keeping the head up, the chest lifted, and the abdominal muscles tight, squat until thighs are parallel to the floor. Arch your lower back slightly, and keep that arch throughout the exercise. Pause briefly, then stand upright by pressing heels into the floor and keeping the glutes (the rump muscles) tight.

Read more: Squats