Where is the list of PMTS reference points?

PMTS Forum

Re: Where is the list of PMTS reference points?

Postby gaku » Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:50 am

Basil j wrote:HH this would be a big help , especially with younger developing racers who get so much confusing/contradicting info, depending on which coach they are working with on a given day. A visual checklist of the most important building blocks that lead to a PMTS skiing would be great.

It's not often you see every essential at display as easily as in this video.
Maybe due to the aggressive skiing, which requires more of everything for the skiing to hold up.

Tipping lead by the inside foot. Inside or free foot pulled back with the stance boot under the hips during transition. Pullback, tipping and flexing integrated into one sequence rather than separate movements. Close stance for easier balance transfer. Agressive float by energetically retracting his stance leg until it gets level with the inside leg (which also retracts towards upper chest somewhat). This allows pressure to come early due to light skis, momentum, and quick edge angle development. Shortening the radius by increasing tipping while flexing to release /as pressure on the stance ski diminishes - i.e tipping progressively through the entire turn.

All these foot movements get supported by a very disciplined upper body, from pelvis position to inside arm, shoulder and pole position. A no-swing pole tap doesn't undo his CA at the end of turns, and his inside pole is always level with the boot, moving forward in the arc - indicating the CA increases in sync with the tipping. Stance pole aimed down the falline. CB to allow more tipping and strengthen CA.
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 6:36 pm


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