Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

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Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby h.harb » Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:38 am

Last season I put up a post on my blog about some Interski runs by demonstrators. The point of the article was to demonstrate the movement differences based on alignment; less on technique or national preference for skiing. I posted it, it has Reilly and Paul in the group with an Austrian and an American.
I posted the link to Facebook, so the post has been there around for a year. I know many of you are not on Facebook; however if you can access my page you can have a look at the posts. I have recently received two posts from an Irish instructor. After you read the posts you will understand why I have such a low opinion of Interski, instructor understanding of skiing, their ability to present skiing and teaching.

Another example is the Canadian, a strong, athletic, guy, Beaulieu. His presentations are a mess and his understanding of skiing is horrid, but he's a good skier. So being a good skier doesn't mean you can teach, understand or present skiing. This is true even on the world cup, and with ex-world cup racers who turn to coaching.

This is the link to the discussion, it is a long thread with many good posts. But there is also lots of filler.
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Re: Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby Jeet » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:47 pm

I have been following this post closely.

Harald, that Irish Instructor, Ali Smith (BASI 4 instructor, thinks he is god) teaches in the Snow Center where I skii. They know I practice PMTS sometimes I hear them talking to their groups and use me as an example of how not to have a closed stance as it lacks stability. They have taken shots at me and at my skiing talking to their group about me as if I cannot hear them. They tried so hard to get me to stay away from PMTS, offering me free coaching, free membership to their race club, giving me the Ron Le Master Book. Show of real desperation and fear.

Extra motivation to keep getting better and better :)

My next conversation with him, if I ever have one will be interesting.

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Re: Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby h.harb » Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:37 pm

Thanks for posting. His comments and posts on my Facebook page are so outrageously self serving, self ingratiating, and nauseous. I could read through his game immediately, all words, platitudes and no substance. The epitome of what i can't stand about ski instructors.
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Re: Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby B.Mulligan » Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:53 am

I read through this facebook thread .I like that joey Cordeau has a comment on everything you post, I'm never sure what he's saying, but I like saying hey look, it's joey cordeau!

I didn't see any comments from Beaulieu on the facebook thread but I did just watch the latest projected production hintertux video...produced by Reilly and Lorenz featuring JF Beaulieu. If you haven't seen it his discussion of technique and his drills are way clearer than before when he used to talk about skiing in a bowl. His skiing looks better too, maybe his extensive collaboration with the two aussies has done a lot to clarify his thought on technique. Anyone else watch the new projected video? Thoughts?
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Re: Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby h.harb » Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:18 am

Reilly is staying at my house this week for our Boot Tech and Alignment course, so I'll get filled in on lots of activities.

I guess to say Beaulieu's presentations are better than before to me isn't saying much. And it's not a language barrier either because i've watched his presentations in French and they are just as convoluted. I guess if someone doesn't have a firm grasp of what they are trying to do with their skiing, listening to J.F. would be a place you could try some ideas, however to me it's misleading and wasting lots of time. There are more direct ways to achieve and access the movements you need, than the way he approaches it.

PMTS has a different more direct way of looking at skiing, explaining it, pointing out the essential pieces. When and if, I have to use interpretation to figure out what a ski teacher or trainer of skiing is trying to convey then; I don't have much hope that a regular student will gain much.
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Re: Perfect Example of Ski instructor mental Masturbation

Postby h.harb » Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:25 am

When the Canadian Demo Team starts to ski like J.F. Beaulieu or Reilly, then I'll know they are effective communicators of ski technique. I'm a believer in results, and the proof of your technical and teaching skills should be demonstrated by your students or athletes. I have not seen this happening. So until there is a marked change in the performances of these groups, you are looking at a few standouts and natural skiers who have selected an approach for themselves that is different from their national system. I know this for a fact.
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