2 New PMTS eVideos Available

PMTS Forum

2 New PMTS eVideos Available

Postby Erik » Tue Mar 31, 2020 8:14 pm

Harb Ski Systems posted two new eVideos for purchase/download ($15 each) on their website https://harbskisystems.com/collections/evideos on March 22. They announced them on the facebook page, but I haven't seen any publicity here.

Balance on Downhill Ski, eVideo presented by Diana. Demonstrates a learning progression focused on establishing and maintaining balance, incorporating PMTS essentials. Especially good for beginning PMTS students to prepare for the full Phantom Move.

Poles Across Knees, eVideo presented by Harald. Demonstrates a learning progression to hold both poles across the knees in drills to emphasize flexing legs at transition. HH demonstrates that this drill includes counterbalance and counteracting. Video moves from skiing in the drill position to free skiing with the same emphasis on movement.

As always, learning progressions with clear explanations, demonstrations each step along the way, and beautiful skiing to try to emulate. If you want to know what going to a PMTS camp is like, this is exactly the kind of learning progression and demonstration you would get in a camp - only without the personal feedback from your coach on how well you did the drill.
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Re: 2 New PMTS eVideos Available

Postby jbotti » Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:11 pm

The Poles Across the Knees exercise has been a game-changer for me. Harald showed it to me when we skied together last March. It's very straight forward and versus some other PMTS drills/exercises its not particularly difficult. Done correctly (and I was doing these a ton on low angle cat-tracks) you end up in a position with your free foot hip above the other one, in a nicely CB'd position and if your fore aft balance is solid (free foot pulled back some) you get to a position that I now strive to be in at the start of every new arc. I know we aren't supposed to be using internal cues but doing this exercise is the first time I could feel like when I was flexed, Ca'd, CB'd and pulled back all at once. The feeling in my body is distinct and I know whenever I am getting there (confirmed by Harald as we were skiing). It also showed me immediately that I had not been getting enough (some but not enough) CB in the bulk of my arcs. After playing with this exercise quite a bit for 3-5 skis days, I was amazed at the performance in SRT carved arcs where I was now adding much more CB, and I was able to comfortably get much higher edge angles. I now pretty much do it on all cat tracks and at other points in every ski day.

From an instructor perspective, It has been a game changer for students that are having trouble finding how to CB. Tried it with with with two friends who really needed more (any) CB in their skiing and had been having trouble finding it. 2 runs doing this exercise changed this for them both.

I realize that no one is skiing now. But this is a great one to put on the list for next year.
Balance: Essential in skiing and in life!
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Re: 2 New PMTS eVideos Available

Postby geezer skier » Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:02 pm

Two reactions:1.This is a great video! Worth every penny. 2. First time I've ever seen Harald in a helmet (good move) :D
geezer skier
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