Hello from Sandy, Utah!

PMTS Forum

Hello from Sandy, Utah!

Postby Jeff Markham » Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:30 pm

Hello all!

If any of you are from Utah and want to work on PMTS skills together with me, drop me an email and we'll get together this upcoming season.

I've attended two Green/Blue and one Blue/DarkBlue camps and will be attending the December B/DB camp and February All-Mountain (Big Sky) camp. Here in Utah, I primarily ski at Alta, but would ski anywhere in the SLC area.
Jeff Markham
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:53 pm
Location: Sandy, Utah


Postby H. Harb » Thu Oct 23, 2003 11:19 am

:D Hi Jeff and PMTS users,

This is very exciting, now we have a peaceful place for discussion, exchange of ideas and a way to inform members of activities. I hope to be active on the forum to answer questions, present ideas and generally participate as much as my schedule allows. We are looking forward to a great winter. Harb Ski Systems camps are very close to capacity, still a few Big Sky Blue Dark Blue spots open, but this isn?t until February. Details about any of our activities can be found on the http://www.PMTS.org or http://www.harbskisystems.com web sites.
I?m looking forward to an active, positive forum to promote better skiing, and provide valuable information for all skiers, have a great ski season.

H. Harb

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