Hey Hobbit. How about a review?

PMTS Forum

Hey Hobbit. How about a review?

Postby *SCSA » Wed May 05, 2004 6:52 am

Howdy folks,

Hobbit skied with me for 2 days. Hobbit had a chance to see, what quite frankly, no one else on any board ever has.

No one from gapic saw me when I was skiing well at Jackson -- because my best turns were off by myself, the end of day 2 and day 3.

Barnes skied 2 runs w/me last year at the Basin while I was drunk. The year before, we skied Loveland a few runs when only a couple of runs were open. He really has no idea how I make turns.

Hobbit skied behind me both days and really got a first hand look at how I apply PMTS to the mountain -- the whole mountain. Because we skied bumps (Exhibition, International, etc.), Pali trees and steeps, and groomers. We even went off a few jumps.

Hobbit, if you'd be so kind, I'd like a review. You have a good eye for ski technique and skills. We spent 2 days talking about your "stuff", I'd like you to talk about my "stuff" now, if you wouldn't mind.

Thanks in advance,

Postby Hobbit » Wed May 05, 2004 6:49 pm

There must be a kryptonite rock in SCSA's backyard or something. The cool thing about the supermen movies is that sometimes he takes people for a ride and they can fly for a while as long as they are in the superman?s vicinity. That was exactly my situation :D

Now seriously, I see a good skier on the slope once in a while but not very often. As I understand, SCSA takes a few hours instruction with HH per season. The rest is the work doing the drills. The fact that he can ski so well is the proof that the system works. The main reason why it works is that he can work well independently. The books should be called ?Anyone Can Be an Expert Skier if They Are Willing to Work Hard?. There is some rage on epic against the ?systems?in general and I just can not agree with that. Would you like to study, for example, math or chemistry on the ?walk-in? basis? I think that this is one of the problems with the ski schools in general. Lessons are only good if they are a part of some logical system and the students are aware of it. The TTS have their manuals but they publish them for ?internal use? so they are not available in the bookstores. I guess they don?t want people to know their stuff. The customers are so much better off with the ?walk in? lessons! I think they would like people to have a ?drive through? mentality and an attitude towards the lessons similar to buying a burger or something. The PMTS books are there in the open and it?s a major difference. I have attended the camp this year and everything I worked on in the camp was the stuff from the book. I can easily connect the dots and go on with my own training.

So I was really impressed with the execution ? the short radius turns and the bumps were carved with 100% (not 97% :D) speed control. I am sure HH would find something for SCSA to work on but from my point of view everything looked great. The only thing I saw were little hops in the beginning of the turn but this happened only a few times and I guess he just wanted to start the turn this way. Basically everything I saw looked like the stuff from the second DVD. Way to go SCSA!

Would not it be great if we would have a WEB server so that we can post the mpeg files there? It would be great if this would be a part of the RealSkiers subscription so that every user would gave let?s say 10 Mb of hard drive space for videos. Seeing is better than a thousand words. This would be a great tool for skiing improvement ? we can exchange comments and ideas about each other skiing.
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Posting video

Postby John Mason » Wed May 05, 2004 9:47 pm

19.95 per year at http://www.fototime.com on top of a regular subscription and you can post links to movies.

So, hows about I take some and post some this weekend?

I can see the Epic vultures circling! (not all Epic "visitor" - the ones that have this chip on their shoulder of anything PMTS)

Man - I got 4 pairs of skis to bring and only one 2 ski carrier. I tried all day calling places to see what I could dig up. Any creative way to ship skis by air till I can grab another 2 ski tote in summit (slumit?) county?
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Postby Hobbit » Wed May 05, 2004 10:14 pm

Hey John,

Good idea. I don't care about some ribbing :)

I don't pretend to be a good skier, and comments do help a lot.

Epic people are welcome (and by the way, most of us here are Epic people too since we brouse those forums and post there).
Like you said a lot of non-PMTS guys ski well and can give a good advise.
By the way, there are a lot of PMTS people on Epic too :)

The only thing I am not interested in comments is why I ski not good enough because of PMTS. If I don't ski well (which is probably the case) it's my own fault. If someone does not like PMTS let them critique HH skiing :D .
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Funny you should say that

Postby John Mason » Wed May 05, 2004 10:49 pm

Funny you should say that. 'Cause we are in trouble then. There was a link to a movie of HH posted over on Epic where people made comments that he looked like he was hog tied. Basically, I guess they thought the stance should be wider.

I love watching HH, Rich, Diana, Bob (who am I missing) ski. It's so effortless and controlled.

But like you are pointing out and I'm trying to get through "visitors" head, Epic has lots of skiers that know their stuff PMTS and otherwise. They also have people that just about go nuts whenever PMTS or HH is mentioned. Too bad. There's lots to learn from whatever source.

(Cept TTS levels 1 through 5. 6 on up aren't too bad 'cept rotary inputs)
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Postby Guest » Thu May 06, 2004 3:39 pm

Could it be because of anything anyone said or the way anyone behaved?

PMTS Wacko a.k.a SCSA?

Could it be because of the tone/tenor of HH's posts/comments?

Postby *SCSA » Fri May 07, 2004 7:19 am

Wow. That's so fing cool. It makes me soooooooooo happy.
Now I just want to help others, starting with my pal Hobbit.

Thanks Hobbit,

Postby *SCSA » Fri May 07, 2004 7:21 am

Hi folks,

First of all, you he/she/its rock!

I'm working on donating one of my servers for the cause. It won't be long, we'll be able to easily post video and what not.

Postby *SCSA » Fri May 07, 2004 7:44 am

Hey Guest,

Isn't it about time we forget all this and start rippin? We been going on for years. I know in my case, I've lost a few ski pals because of it.

It fing sucks.

Why don't we all just go make turns? Let's go make turns on steep runs, in the trees, in bumps, powder and crappy conditions. Let's examine the the moves I make/you make in depth.

But let's quit this us versus you/them thang -- it's bad karma.

Bill Walton:
"I don't understand why everyone won't get together and just throw it down."

Guest. Imagine this. Every week, skiers get together for informal training somewhere -- kinda like Tele Tuesday @ the Beav. Not just PMTS skiers mind you. Any skier who is motivated and wants to get better. We show up, we make turns. Someone brings a video camera, we huddle and watch each others turns. Some will talk about steering, some will talk about tipping. WTF? Some weeks, we could get lotsa skiers showing up!

Now you tell me. Does this sound fun? I think it does. And look how much we could all learn. We get to rip, learn, and party. Isn't that what it's all about?

I think that's what we're aiming at here. So how about we fuhgetaboutit? If you have complaints w/HH, take it up with him. But don't let your personal feelings spill over. We're all just skiers who want to get better, just like you. Guest, we're twin sons of a different mother.

Me? Hey man, I've never backed down from a mea culpa. I figure if I'm not making mistakes, I must not be learning. As always, actions speak louder than words.

Be cool Guest, I'll check you out later.

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