Now read this...

PMTS Forum

Now read this...

Postby *SCSA » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:40 pm

Hey hey, it's SCSA!

Alright, here's my story.

Now is the time, when you get better. So you he/she/its better be trainin and you better be trainin hard. Ride the bike, run, swim, ride the carvers.

You gotta get fit. Because if you aint fit, you can't hang. And if you can't hang, what the hey good are ya?

Besides. Is reading about skiing all you ever want in life? Don't you ever want to take it to the mountain? Yeah? Then now is the time. Get your fingers off the keyboards, and on the shifters. Quit reading stupid stories by poseurs and he/she/its who can't make a good turn anywhere else besides groomed runs (not even there). Life, aint about groomed runs! Forget about it! I wanna see you in the mountains or on the plains, trainin and sweatin.

So that's my story.

Anybody for a run on the open space?
Because between now and November, that's the time to get better.


Postby *SCSA » Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:34 am


skee season is only 4 1/2 months away. So how's it goin? You he/she/its gettin in shape? I hope so. :)

Be cool,

Postby *SCSA » Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:30 am

The Big Show opens in 113 days.
I counted.

:arrow: Bitchin.

Postby *SCSA » Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:39 pm

Psst. It's now August.

August, September, October....November! Time to make some turns again. :D

109 days till the Big Show opens!

Everybody gettin in shape? I hope so!


Postby John Mason » Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:49 pm

108 days - - why wait - there's south america - mt hood - carvers

I've never been to the Big Show yet. I can't wait for the tour.
John Mason
Posts: 1050
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: Lafayette, Indiana, USA

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