Great responses! Thank you all very much for your help.
In relation to my earlier question 1 and your kind responses, I just found in the Forum the following gem that I believe is very helpful to further understand the move being described:
by h.harb » Tue May 26, 2009 1:54 pm
From what I can gather, this topic about flexing in the arc, that is being discussed was one I introduced that talking about using relaxing of the stance leg before the end of the arc, to increase tipping angles so that you could ski into increased counter balance. This gives you more edge grip and energy to releasing momentum. The relaxing or flexing in the arc, doesn’t release the edges in this case it's not the purpose. It's intended to actually increases ski angles by the ski momentarily being less pressured and therefore allows for more foot tipping. With this leg relaxing, flexing (I am talking about only a micro amount, and fraction of a second) foot tipping can increase ski angle, due to reduction of resistance and pressure, allowing CG also to move toward the skis, slightly.
This is a very specialized movement and can only be performed if the skier is in perfect balance and carving the skis. It is best used on ice or hard snow..
Flexing the inside leg and tipping it further can be done independently of the stance ski relaxing movement. inside leg flexing does little to enhance what I’m talking about with the stance leg relaxation, the inside leg movements ( flexing and tipping) serve to drop the hip closer to the snow.
Very clear and concise....may be it was all my mistake when I read in the previous post by HH that one of the two "give ins per turn" is performed by the inside leg and the other (like in the preflex case) by the outside leg.....may be the ir no inside leg give in then...again, this Forum is of great value, keep posting!