Simple experiment

PMTS Forum

Re: Simple experiment

Postby Ihamilton » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:41 pm

This is very timely for me. Two weeks ago I went to two 4 hr sessions to help me improve my teaching techniques. I have one more session in 5 days. One thing that was evident in those completed sessions is that the mind and body must be in synch and work together to obtain goals that you have set for your self.
On April 27 Harald posted a video of me on this forum and after getting home from my coaching sessions I watched it again. My skiing has improved a great deal since taking my first pmts camp but I am not satisfied with what I see. Specifically, my turns to the right, especially the short turns, show rotation and movement to the inside. Mentally I know I was trying to make the right turns as good as the left, but the body wasn't in synch. Why? It is easy to say make better movements but I was trying to do that so after what I learned in my coaching sessions I felt I had to go deeper. The first thing that came to mind is that my body is out of alignment.
So I contacted a kinesiologist named Mike, and told him my concerns. First, he said I have to do an assessment of you starting at the bottom of you feet. He added that if there is any skeletal misalignment or muscular malfunction then it is impossible to get optimal athletic performance. He added further that I would likely need a few visits to a colleague of his who is a chiropractor and Pyhsio therapist. I was still keen and he added that for every hour with him I would have to spend 1-2 hours myself doing stretches and exercises to make the program work.
I went to the assessment and learned a lot. It took 2 minutes to determine that my right hip is carried lower than my left. That alone is enough to limit my turns to the right. Then we found out that my peroneus longus (PL) malfunctions. It everts the foot but won't release so to invert my foot I have to rotate my leg. Also the PL doesn't support my foot so I super pronate. My tibilias anterior doesn't fire at all so I have no strength to hold an inverted or everted foot. When I flex a knee my hips rotate to shift my weight to the other foot. I have very weak gluteus especially the G medius, and my hip abductors are also weak. My quadratus lumborum on the left side won't release, my soleus muscles are weak and I have about one half the range of motion I should have in my neck. Yet I am in great physical condition, I am good at tennis, cycling, skiing, so how can this be? Well says Mike, you must waste a lot of energy and when you are aligned and the muscles working properly we can begin to build better synchronization between what your mind wants and what your body does, and you will do so with less effort and be more satisfied with the results. Ah, balance between mind and body.
Off to the chiro/Pyhsio. Good news, hips were aligned and all muscles started to function correctly in the first visit. He, Jeff, feels that all problems above the knee are directly related to an immobile neck. The key is to keep the muscles functioning properly especially when they are load bearing and to get a full range of motion in the neck. Both Mike and Jeff commented that they find that people who study what their muscles should be doing and during the stretches and exercises have a vision of what they are trying to achieve, improve faster. So I am studying up on the muscle groups and that is why this post is so helpful. Only in pmts do you get this. After 2 sessions with both I am ahead of schedule. Jeff thinks after one more visit my neck will have a full range of motion and I won't need to re attend. With Mike, how far I go depends on my goals but until tech camp I will go at least twice and sometimes three times a week. Right now I am spending a lot of time on the foam rollers and doing stretches and exercises without weights. For example, I am doing dead weight lifts without weights. Mike wants me to get my technique and breathing exactly correct before we add weights.
This is expensive and time consuming but I have three pmts camps in November and one in January. Without doing this work I would have had marginal improvement from the camps but I am not satisfied with that. If I wanted marginal improvement I would have stayed in TTS. I want a break through year. To do that I must have proper alignment in every little detail.
I would never have done or even thought about this if it wasn't for HARALD. Every step of the way, including the teaching sessions, I was reminded of how PMTS is a holistic method. It is good to be back on the forum. For those campers I will see in November, it will be fun to get back into it.
By the way off topic but something I want to add. My coaching coach, Don, doesn't direct but tries to get me to find my own answers. In the sessions we came to a foundation type of question " what would you say all of the worlds best coaches have in common?" I said "they believe they have the best system to teach". No, said Donn, go deeper. I thought of HARALD at Whistler last fall in a talk he gave to a room full of instructors. HARALD didn't just believe pmts was the best system, he knew it in every cell of his body, it was obvious if you took the time to look. So I answered that those instructors knew they have the best system. Bingo! Another truth we came to was that to be effective the class must be student centred. Is pmts following me? My homework is how do I convey that to each and every student and Donn wants me to go deep. I think I have the answer for me but until I have been through the next session I want to keep that to myself. I know that this is a topic in itself but one I would be interested in hearing about.
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby h.harb » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:20 pm

This is a great read, amazing dedication and determination. You first have to believe in yourself, second you have to have a great system. Who says skiing isn't a team sport?
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby Max_501 » Thu May 09, 2019 6:07 pm

Bounce! This is a very informative thread.
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby blackthorn » Thu May 09, 2019 10:03 pm

Thanks Max.

These thread bounces have been great. I would like a slow steady diet of them.

I have spent countless hours going back using search function etc, but it is so easy to just skim. There is just so much important useful information especially from earlier threads as the forum developed. And so much that time has shown to be true.
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby blackthorn » Thu May 09, 2019 10:03 pm

Thanks Max.

These thread bounces have been great. I would like a slow steady diet of them.

I have spent countless hours going back using search function etc, but it is so easy to just skim. There is just so much important useful information especially from earlier threads as the forum developed. And so much that time has shown to be true.
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby Max_501 » Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:00 am

Time to bounce this thread again.
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Re: Simple experiment

Postby dougtee » Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:42 am

thank you so much! i was hunting for those glute videos and couldnt remember which thread and bam here they are
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