The public is finding out! Locate a PMTS Posse.

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The public is finding out! Locate a PMTS Posse.

Postby h.harb » Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:03 am

A letter from an unknown skier. 2nd one like this this week.

Harold, let me start by saying that at 46 years of age this is I think the 1st time I've felt obliged to send anybody an email unannounced to say thank you.

You don't know me and we have never met however I have purchased a dvd or 2 from you and I study your teaching methods incessantly.

I have been a skier since I was 18 even spending a season at blackcomb as an instructor. To the layman I was an expert.

Each northern winter I've spent most of my time looking for big steep mountains and skiing a little out of control but have managed to get down everything somehow, even difficult terrain and super steep chutes etc..

The problem was the pain I had to endure to ski, Even avoiding bumps whenever I could my knees and lower back couldn't last more than a week without putting a halt to my season and meaning I had to spend the next 40 or so weeks getting right for another crack at the snow.

Luckily I stumbled on your teaching system and as a student of human movement was immediately drawn PMTS for it simplicity of movement and the common sense it made.
You made skiing look effortless.

For close to 12 months I've had your dvd and studied you on YouTube spending many hours visualising or "mind skiing" the movements involved.

I finally got a chance to test it out this week in Japan and I am hooked, I don't want to get off the hill, I am not tired, my knees are not hurting even a little bit, my skiing feels great, carving is better and my ability to stay in control whilst still flying is best it's ever been. Most of all I'm enjoying bumps again even seeking them out, and powder is easier for me than ever now I'm not trying to bounce and twist the foot to steer.

I have always thought hard about every turn of every run trying to improve but by simply flexing, tipping and controlling my inside free foot and pulling it back I'm amazed at the difference.

It's a great feeling to know at 46 my best days on the skis are ahead of me!

So thank you for having the belief in your system to take on those who deny it is a more pure way to ski.

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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby geoffda » Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:12 pm

Ran into a couple of guys from back East at Keystone in early February. They were shadowing me for awhile, watching me ski, until one of them came up and asked me about my skiing. Turns out he had found Harald's stuff on the internet and recognized exactly what he was seeing. He wanted me to pass along a "thank you" as well.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby h.harb » Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:33 pm

Every one is welcome to become PMTS skiers, conscious, aware, knowledgeable, skiers. Now that would be a step in the right direction.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby Spark » Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:14 pm

I was practicing PMTS with friends at Lost Trail Powder Mountain, Montana this weekend, when one of them mentioned Harald's name while in the locker room. A man immediately broke into the conversation and said, "Harald Harb? Is he here? I want to meet him!". He is a retired Airline pilot who had found ACBES2 in a used book store in Hamilton, MT. He had printed cards with larger text because the tear out cards in the book were too small to read, laminated them, and hung them around his neck for easy reference. He was very excited to meet other PMTS enthusiasts and we included him in our practice group. Another convert makes a connection!
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby h.harb » Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:15 pm

I love it, mainstream skiers are starting to look for and know PMTS. Our book and video sales have more than doubled this year. The on line down loads are really taking off as well. We will have at least 10 new downloads by next season. We can bring PMTS updates and lessons are out much faster with this technology.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby skijim13 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:11 am

My wife and I ski so different than most people on the mountain that people are asking us what we do differently to ski. A person who has taken our Mogul class offered at our mountain that teaches high impact down the zipper line wanted to know how I go down slowly making turns down each bump and look like I am not doing much work and have no impact like his does. I pointed him to the expert II video method of doing bumps. I am sure I have a great deal to learn more using the PMTS method of doing bumps. However, using the moves in the book and video made a complete change in skiing the bumps for both Lorie and I. A fellow PSIA friend who is against PMTS and is teaching out West, admitted that my skiing has greatly improved since he last skied with me a year ago after seeing my video I posted from camp on Facebook. I can only imagine how much more it will improve years down the road after more training and camps. My friend Jeff that skis with Lorie and I has allready made great changes in one season working with us. This weekend I introduced counteracting to him and it has allready changed his control on the black diamond runs.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby CO_Steve » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:52 pm

Another encounter today. Usual story. Read some of the books, seen some youtube stuff. Never been to camp. Had seen the posse skiing but this morning it was just my wife and myself so he approached and asked for help. We did a couple of laps. If this keeps up soon the Ski School people will be stopping us asking for help.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby marsound » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:12 pm

A fellow PSIA friend who is against PMTS

Wow. That's just... dumb.

That's like being against walking correctly.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby nugget » Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:48 am

"That's like being against walking correctly".

touche! Thanks for the chuckle.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby fourftr » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:21 am

I wished the people up here in New England ski country would find out. Maybe this cold winter has everyone numb. I looked for someone to take P.M.T.S. people look at me like I am from a different planet
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby h.harb » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:26 am

Killington has a PMTS posse. Kuba, Lech, Todd. Any other PMTS posses back east?
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby gman » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:23 am

Sure. Burke Mtn.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby CO_Steve » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:29 am

Since we're asking. Any PMTS skiers at Sun Valley? I looked at some SV Ski School videos on youtube, that's not it.
Potential move in my future.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby Basil j » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:52 am

There are 4 of us that work on PMTS diligently every chance we get at Cannon NH. I was working on inside foot management with my 11 year old Daughter who is in a race prep program here. She has been struggling with getting off the back of her boots in the bottom part of her turns. She gets away with it in GS but struggles in Slalom and bumps. I spent the afternoon with her yesterday on a soft pair of skis working on starting her turns with flex, pulling the inside foot back and tipping the inside ski while keeping her zipper facing down the hill. Her shins had to remain parallel through out the turn. No "A" framing. We did about ten runs, alternating between flats and easy blues, Skiing slowly and making her pole plant to a cadence of 123,123 with out any pausing or swinging. She never skied in such control before. Her skiing slowly transformed. I avoided terminology like getting over her skis and pressing against the cuffs and instead told her that every time she felt the back of her boots to flex more and pull that inside foot back. We did a couple of runs without poles and had her touch her cuff at the beginning of each turn. She thought it was goofy but she was amazed at how well her skis tracked, being flexed, vs pushing against them at the end of the turn.
Her coach was observing and though that the drills were interesting. I told him that we were working PMTS. He never heard of it. Today he commented that she was skiing with a lot more control with much more knee bend and over the front of her skis than usual.
My 3 ski buddies have bought into PMTS so much this season, that when we start some runs we say ""lets Harb This one"" meaning let's attempt to carve as clean many turns as possible. I am sure I have still a long way to go become a "PMTS skier"" but it gives me something to focus on literally every run of the day. I constantly turn people onto this system when people ask us "what are you guys doing"? , and it has lifted my skiing up to the highest level I have ever skied at 54 years old yet I feel like I have just scratched the surface of this system and I am into my second full season of it.
Last edited by Basil j on Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The public is finding out!

Postby skijim13 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:53 am

Another PMTS Posse in the East is in the Lehigh Valley near Allentown Pa at Blue Mountain ski area. Lorie and I and our friend Jeff a new PMTS conversion this year are always working on improving our skiing using PMTS. Always looking for more people. I was happy to see my former ski school director that now works at another mountain shared my post of Harald doing moguls, the last time she skied with me she like the slow controlled turns I was making in the moguls compared to the way everyone flys through the zipper line. I think that the better the students get at skiing using PMTS the more the public will notice and ask about it. I know that anyone who takes the time to learn PMTS will want to spread the word to others.

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