PMTS skiing is unmistakable

PMTS Forum

PMTS skiing is unmistakable

Postby Basil j » Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:35 am

So I was working a course last Friday as a Gate keeper at Cannon NH on their beautiful new Taft race trail. The far side of the trail was open to free skiing and course workers. Between racers I see these two gentlemen side slipping the course and also doing some free skiing. Their skiing stood out to me immediately. It was very elegant and looked very smooth and PMTS like to me from a distance. I watched these two guys probably ski 6-8 runs during the day and I was very impressed with their skiing. They looked to be both in the late 50's early 60's, yet their skiing was smooth and energetic, with no wasted movements whatsoever.Early in the 2nd run of the race they both stopped in front of where I was standing to watch some racers and I heard them commenting about some technical deficiencies on some of racers as they came down the course. (It was a U19 race, so there was some "mature" racers racing that day) I thought they may have been visiting coaches.I looked down at their boots and lo and behold they had white PMTS stickers on their boots. Need less to say, We immediately struck up a conversation and it turns out that they were very active and longtime PMTS advocates and regularly attended Harb camps.
They ski out of Gunstock and I will certainly look them up next season as they were both very nice guys and extremely knowledge.I won't post their full names here in respect to their privacy, ( Steve & Jeff) but it was nice to finally meet some active hardcore Harb skiers in the North east. I know many who work on it on their own, including myself, but it very apparent watching these two, that they had extensive PMTS training and were beautiful skiers to watch.
Even more inspiration to get my ass out to a camp next season.
Basil j
Posts: 242
Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:52 am

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