The TS in PMTS

PMTS Forum

The TS in PMTS

Postby Marc » Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:51 am

I have started to be more interested in the teaching, the TS part, of PMTS. I now realize that the PM is just the tip of the PMTS iceberg! And that the TS would not be effective and efficient without the PM. I have been looking for something more to read about the teaching aspect and I have found a great book: "The Coach's Guide to Teaching" by Doug Lemov (Amazon This book is about "Explicit Teaching" as opposed to "Guided Discovery". Not surprisingly I recognise many things used by my PMTS coaches when I reflect back on the camps I have attended.
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Re: The TS in PMTS

Postby HeluvaSkier » Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:52 pm

If you want to get an idea of the 'teaching system' aspect of PMTS, get the instructor manual. It goes through not just the 'what' (PM) but also the 'why' and 'how' (TS) of PMTS. I think if you go through the accreditation process, there are even more up-to-date materials that may be available that outline the teaching standards and approach in even more detail. Harald and Diana are very precise with their teaching, how they do it and the words they use when doing it. This will give you a sense of that precision. The Instructor Manual is one of the best resources in ski teaching, and often doesn't get the credit it deserves as a PMTS resource.

Link: ... rback-book

Also available as a PDF on the HSS website.
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Re: The TS in PMTS

Postby Marc » Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:30 pm

I have the Instructor Manual but I will buy the PDF as the book is falling apart from all reading :)
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