Sweeping vs Lifting

PMTS Forum

Sweeping vs Lifting

Postby jbotti » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:47 am

The recent topics and focus on the forum have been high quality SRT's (one could say that the entire focus of PMTS is the BPSRT!) so I thought I would pass this along from my coaching days with Harald. When we were working on super fast, very tight SRT's and I watched HH do his, I noticed a difference in his movement pattern vs mine. I have had a distinct lift, pull back and tip for years and it has worked pretty well. When we dialed up the speed of the turns that movement was proving to be somewhat inefficient. What HH does (and you can see this in almost all of his SRT videos) is what I call a sweep move (again my words and Harald may not like them and I have never heard him use them). When I tried to duplicate his movements what was working was focusing on sweeping the inside ski towards the other boot (which naturally de-emphasizes the lift). It seemed to happen naturally with a very slight lift. This move insures that the ankles end up very close to touching (if not touching) which allows the two skis to act as in one very tight SRTs.

So my thought process is now, sweep, pull back and tip vs Lift pullback and tip. It does go back to what HH said in one of his early videos where he talks about lifting vs lightening. At least for me, the concept of sweeping really captures the movement that I am trying to do.
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Re: Sweeping vs Lifting

Postby DCM » Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:21 pm

That sounds similar to John Clendenin's Squeegee move where you scrape the inside ski in close to the stance ski to initiate the turn. However, with John's method, your balance migrates to and ends up on the inside ski at the end of the turn rather than keeping the balance on the outside, or downhill ski.
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Re: Sweeping vs Lifting

Postby jbotti » Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:46 pm

Well, obviously we don't want to end up mostly weighting the inside ski, so using any of his words and or movement thoughts are problematic.
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Re: Sweeping vs Lifting

Postby h.harb » Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:49 pm

That sounds similar to John Clendenin's Squeegee move

Actually, we trained Clendenin and his versions of PMTS are misinterpreted. After he was trained in PMTS he went out and created his own mixed-up version of PSIA mixed wth PMTS. His version isn't anything like PMTS.

The sweeping movement John B. is describing was introduced for his specific needs in his skiing and it works for him. It doesn't mean it is what everyone needs to do. There is a reason we worked on this movement. John described it well.
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