Fred Movement Analysis Video

Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby » Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:17 pm

I had my friend take this video of me skiing at the end of last winter. I do OK on groomed intermediate trails but fall apart on crud, moguls or steep stuff.
Could you comment?
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Re: Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby Max_501 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:55 pm

Did you follow the progression in Book 1 as suggested in your older MA thread?

video of me skiing
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Re: Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:12 am

Yes, I have been working on improving. I had my friend retake a video of me skiing at the end of last season.
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Re: Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby jbotti » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:58 pm

Fred, your tipping is late and insufficient when it occurs. You are firmly already on your big toe edge (of the new stance ski) well before any level of LTE tipping occurs. Your fore aft balance is way too aft. It appears that you are going for a somewhat flexed stance. You need to pull the feet back in transition.

To advance you will need to learn how to tip the new LTE before you engage the BTE of the new stance ski. Two movements that you will need to master. First the phantom move and then the super phantom release/drill. Learning to pull your feet back in transition is also very important for you.

Who set you up in your boots? From the level of tipping that appears available to you on the video, either you need much more work on tipping (this is a given regardless of whether your boots fit properly) or your boots are too large or both. I will guess both.
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Re: Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby Ken » Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:17 pm

0:02---note how you push your heels around, more so on left turns. We don't want to do that.
Still 2 seconds--note how your weight is behind your heels. We don't want to do that, either. Around 21-23 seconds note how light your ski tips are. You need the front half of the inside edge of your outside ski engaged in the snow to turn you. Don't try to do just that; follow the book.
Your skis diverge. Too much weight on the inside ski.
You sink during the turn, then extend to make the next turn. Old bad habit that is tough to break.

Go through book #1 step by step. Don't move to the next thing until you're getting the current movement right. Think of one thing at a time. Don't go on to another movement until you have a good handle on the first, then add just one. Get a good handle on both those, then add the third. Don't try to do too much on one day.

One drill I find very useful, on an easy slope, is to traverse, say, left. Lift the tail (only the tail) of the right ski about an inch off the snow and tip it. Tip it more and more, hold the tail that inch above the snow and let your left ski turn you right. You don't turn your ski; your ski turns you. Keep both ski tips about even as you do this. Now put the right on the snow, lift the left ski tail an inch, tip it, tip it more, and let your right ski turn you left. You need more drills than just this one. Go through the book. Perfect practice makes perfect.

If your boots don't fit like an exoskeleton, budget for new boots at next September's sales, if not sooner. (Spring sales are often more about the shop selling you anything they can to clear off their shelves rather than what is best for you.) Pull the liner out of your boots. Put your foot in, all the way forward. If you have more than about 5/8" (max) of room at your heel, they're too long. If you have more than about 2 mm on each side, they're too wide. A couple of tips to snug up your boots--put a Bontex insole shim under your footbeds. If your boots are still loose, try a tongue shim to hold your foot down. Avoid heel lifts. Maybe try the pads on the outside of the liner to make a better heel pocket. These only work for boots that are very close to fitting, not for boots that are just too big.
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Re: Fred Movement Analysis Video

Postby cheesehead » Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:07 pm

There are half a dozen variations of pullback drills in the Fore/aft Essentials video.
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