MA for oggy

Re: MA for oggy

Postby jclayton » Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:37 am

Hi Oggy ,
I checked out your trip video of last year . this years skiing is a lot better already to my eyes .

One of my focuses with the feet is at transition , in the " float " stage , the feet are pulled back right from the beginning of the release and kept back while the edge change starts . The edge change and tipping is also started while the feet are under the body in the float so there is no lateral force at all in the early stages . Just a feeling of balancing on the edges with legs still flexed .

The lateral angles should never be forced . It is tempting to try and get angles and CB too early , the resulting angles are thus inappropriate or false if you like . the angles should always be dictated by slope and speed , they are not an end in themselves .

Notice in the 2009 Tignes video , going for the big carve and big angles , the position looks forced and you are " rail riding "
skinut ,among other things
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:03 am

Actually that last year's trip is when I bought my camcorder. I felt my skiing had improved dramatically over the course of those 6 days, more than in 2-3 previous seasons combined, just by comparing the vids to what other people were doing. I can almost tell which day was any of those clips shot by looking at the clips. So to rehash what's been said a million times: get yourself on video!

It's probably also what's fueled my quest to improve my technique and led me to PMTS (a lot of the things that Harald preaches lined up with my own observations). Oddly enough, I have a terrible shortage of useful footage this year, but my season has also been really short.

Anyhow, back on topic: with the help of a few PMs I was hopefully able to fully comprehend Harald's message: tip my skis while my feet are under my body during the transition, and don't push the feet away (rather, let them get away on their own through tipping actions through transitions). And do the damn exercises! :)

@jclayton: I'm not sure what do you mean by "rail riding"? (and I *did* search the forum this time :mrgreen:). I mean, I can now spot a plethora of problems in the previous year's turns, I'm just not sure which ones are you refering to :)

jclayton wrote:The lateral angles should never be forced . It is tempting to try and get angles and CB too early , the resulting angles are thus inappropriate or false if you like . the angles should always be dictated by slope and speed , they are not an end in themselves .

But isn't the desired turn shape also a factor (or even the main factor)? Also I think that lately I've been getting a taste of what it feels like to be "upside-down" early in edge-locked turns, and early CB seems to play an important role for me there.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby ginaliam » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:59 am

Just a quick defense of Mr. Bloom's Dublin address and Canadian url.....Leopold in the main character in James Joyce's Foundational modern novel Ulysses-

It's a little literary Humor surrounding the name, sort of like if I chose the screen name 'Dorothy Gale' and wrote I was from 'Kansas" (or Oz would work to).

He wasn't trying to hide something-it's just a little educated humor.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby h.harb » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:19 pm

He/she got want he/she wanted.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby h.harb » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:12 pm

Oggy, if you are not confused now I don't know why, because I am.

Here is a recap of my, Remedy and Correction:

The fastest way to change your skiing, which is what you said you wanted to hear, is to go back to easy blue terrain and work through a Two footed release and a one footed release, alternate between the two. You do throw your shoulders at the new turn, with rotation. If you watch the bottom of your ski poles you will see they follow your shoulders. Keep the pole tips grounded at all times. This will , if it doesn't stop your rotation, it will make you very aware of it.

Your extension more is mostly off the uphill ski, the rotation is from your upper body, so any up extension move is an integral part of your rotation. This brings us back to the "Essential" that is missing in all this, Tipping with flexed legs. You can't Tip while you are extending and rotating. So this bring us back to two footed releases done very slowly. The same process that HKCarver went through. These exercises will expose all your raw energy driven movements. At this point you are not using the slope to generate your arc, you are using your own energy. TFRs need no energy except the slope, and tipping on and off the edges. There are many videos and books explaining this and searches on this forum will generate more than enough information to get started and to perfect this exercise. Good luck!
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:27 pm

Thanks a lot for the follow-up, Harald. I do realize that the only way to improve is to practice on easy slopes, and have in fact spent a good deal of time on them since getting the book.

I guess that now would be the time for me to shut up, go do the exercises and come back with some results. I'm just hoping I'll get a shot at it some time earlier than the next winter! Damn ski seasons, always too short...
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:59 am

My only video of the season so far, shot with a crappy phone camera. I've been working on one- and two- footed releases, trying to promote earlier balance transfer and somewhat tame my rotation. Blue piste, snow was very icy (an eternity has passed since the last snowfall).

Any observations/suggestions are of course very welcome. I apologize for the video quality, but ATM this is the best technology (and cameraman ;)) that I have access to.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:49 am

Slightly better quality video, from a few days ago. Blue piste under heavy snowfall. Upper body seems much better compared to previous videos, but I don't seem to be getting much from the upper part of the turn, any suggestions welcome.

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Re: MA for oggy

Postby jepoupatout » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:41 am

Hi Oggy, the swow look nice and that's a good start for the season. I saw some CA by the end of the turn but also a lack of CB in the High C. In the High C too much BTE as you stand up and you skidd your ski , when you approach the fall line you CA, the edge started to grip roughfly and it reduce your speed.

Flex more, as your ski flatten synchronise tipping-CB immediately to eliminate the BTE.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:07 am

Hi jepoupatout, appreciate the input. Any particular exercises you'd recommend? For CB, I'm thinking more superphantoms are in order... As for flexing, what do you think would be the first thing to concentrate on, free foot, stance foot? Any particular part of the turn that I need to pay special attention to with regards to flexing? I also notice that my feet often separate at the end of the turn, I guess I need to also increase free foot flexing to get larger vertical separation needed to accommodate the natural slope of the terrain as I cross the fall line...

Yup, we had quite a dump the last weekend in the Western Alps, was lots of fun. Headed for a week of skiing in France in the first week of January, can't wait!
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby jepoupatout » Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:59 am

Hi Oggy, sorry i didn't use the right word in my MA replace the word skidd by pivot-steering or twisting all the same (you can see the tail of your ski brush the snow from a high C position) . You can reread: Essentials of skiing page 50 and 51very specific to you (Pushing both tails).
I've reread the last post from HH in march 2010 and the same apply to you again today ( Your extension more is mostly off the uphill ski, the rotation is from your upper body, so any up extension move is an integral part of your rotation. This brings us back to the "Essential" that is missing in all this, Tipping with flexed legs. You can't Tip while you are extending and rotating.)
, however if you want to try a different approach here is what i suggest:

First you need more more flexion to release the turn and it comes from the stance ski, no doubt about it, don't think too much about flexing the free ski , you are not there yet.

A: When you flex to release, make sure you keep CA until the end of the flexion, it keep the pressure on the outside ski and you stay in control for the next step.
Make sure you visualize that, it has plenty of image of HH ref: Essentials of skiing page 98 Figure 3-21 picture 3 and 4.
Do dryland exercises in front of the mirror flex with CA and pose at the end of the flexion , notice your body angle(CA) related to your feet(Imagine ski in it).
OK on ski now
On easy hill , start on a traverse on your edge with little tipping , CB and CA as your ski start to build pressure on your stand ski - you are ready to flex. Do it and keep your CA:
You've already created a groove because you were on edge, at the end of the flexion you are not square yet still counteract but very low on your ski, your knees completely bent. exagerate.

Now the important step:
From there TIP - create a O-Frame... as you do that, your ski pass from edge-flat-edge and at the same time CB (ref: Essential CB page 119 figure 4.1 picture 5). It needs to be quick, you cannot keep your ski flat too long or you will do something else that you don't want to do like.. Pivoting right?
You are set, new groove just started from a flex position , however counteract movement take place gradually from that position too. As you see, everything was synchronize and you are set to create a good carve turn from HIGH C upside down position.

To reinforce my muscles used when I CB:
I bought an ABDOER machine, It isolated all the muscles necessary for CB. I am quicker to CB and it helped me a lot to synchronized with the other essentials.
Last edited by jepoupatout on Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby Max_501 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:51 pm

Work on tipping drills.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:59 am

Thanks a lot to both of you for the comments. I re-read the entire thread, and indeed, most of the stuff from 2 years ago still applies. A bit disheartening, but I guess it also shows importance of getting video on a regular basis!
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby BigE » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:17 am

You're skiing too tall, leaning in and horsing the skis around. Pretty standard traditional style.

I'm with Max -- oggy, you need to learn to flex and tip to the point that the edges engage.

Go back to Green runs and nail the tipping drills. I had a LOT of fun on Green for the two days before Christmas, and I learned a terrific amount. It's best if you can find a pal to work with.


Harald, thanks for pointing out my weak early postings: Like Leopold, too much BS.
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Re: MA for oggy

Postby oggy » Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:59 am

Here's a video of some edge-locked carves for a change. It's me on SL skis doing some nice GS turns which turn into Super-G turns as the slope gets steeper towards the bottom ;)

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