MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby bev » Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:38 pm

Hi All,
After listening to Bev and Art jabber on the chair about the HH religion, Roz is looking for some advice from the chosen ones. She's been around for two camps but hasn't jumped in yet. Please take a look at this vid and help her zero in on what the next step is on her road to improvement. Many thanks in advance...
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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby jclayton » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:40 am

Hi Bev ,
The diverging skis is caused by weight on the inside ski and pivoting to turn , She is doing “ pivot slips “ albeit fairly dynamically . The skis are not tipping much , it just happens as a result of leaning just on or after the fall line .

I would say narrowing the stance and balancing excercises on one ski would be a good place to start , starting off with garlands just balancing on the downhill ski and edging by tipping the foot with ankle pressure on the boot sidewall . Edge and flatten feeling the leverage or hinging on the ski several times during each garland . Check for a clean line in the snow on each garland . Keep the free ski just touching the snow if she needs some reassurance or otherwise lifted .

Roz looks game and looks like the first step is taken toward improvement . She hasn’t just closed her ears while you and Art natter on about PMTS and technique .
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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby bev » Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:17 pm

Hey Jeremy,
Thanks so much for taking the time to MA. Everything you said was a big help for Roz (and me). Sometimes it just takes someone else to put their finger on the problem and it all clicks.

Hope all is well on the Spanish main and you got some turns in over there.
Thanks Again,
Roz & Bev.
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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby leopold_bloom » Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:50 am

Hello Bev,

It strikes me that Roz is a woman who is poised to piss a lot of men off.

This Roz is already doing so many things right (which I will enumerate later) that a few tweaks to her technique will make her hot and she will slay many a male skier at will.

But first, let me praise the production values. You have raised the bar! From this day forward: a big, still picture, perfectly framed action, subtitles over stop action and guilty pleasure soundtrack--or nothing I say!

1. I like Roz's transition.

You found a way across your skis without a push off. I saw a flex to release move in some turns.

Here's the first modification on the way to hotness: focus on flexing your outside leg--and flex it more. I saw you flex both legs and that's good, Try not to loose that, just add more flexing of the outside leg at the end of one turn to begin another.

2. I like Roz's hands.

I saw some strong inside hand. You're not planting your pole but don't worry about it. Your hands are working in your favour rather than against you, unlike many skiers who are making a bad attempt at pole planting. One day you will start planting your pole, rest assured; until then don't sweat it.

3. I like that Roz has a bit of a float going on.

This contributes to you moving smoothly across your skis. However, your float will change a great deal when you apply the first modification properly (flexing the stance leg). It will be more exciting and last longer.

4. I like the way Roz opens her hip.

You can't balance properly, which usually means get forward enough on your ski, unless you open your hip (increase the angle that would be measured between your outside thigh and your torso) through the turn. Right now you're opening your hip, but you are cheating to get there by going onto your inside ski. Which leads us to your question and the second modification.

In that moment before you stopped the action, lift your inside foot off the snow. This is a simple modification but a big one. I am asking you to go from too much weight on the inside ski to NO weight on the inside ski. This will make for a more interesting ride; herein, ultimately you will find hotness.

When you lift your foot, be prepared to follow your stance ski more than you are now. The path you take will create a wider loop than you are making now. The best place to find this, at first, is in a big long turn on a gentle slope. Let your hips follow your skis more rather than twisting them against the direction of the turn. It may sound heretical to advocate less counter-action, but "too much of a good thing" applies here.

Flex your leg, lift that foot, follow your ski. Do this and you will make a huge leap.

Gentlemen, look out!

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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby jclayton » Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:21 am

Hey Leo ,
your MA's are pretty hot as well . In astuteness that is . I agree , Roz's skiing has loads of potential , I bet Bev and Art have had a hand in that . If not, her skiing is quite remakable .

Watch out Bev !!!
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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby bev » Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:30 am

Leopold, what an insightful, kind and inspiring post. I saw the light come on over Roz's head. She has taken her first sip of the HH Kool-aid. Thank you so much.
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Re: MA for Bev'sWife - Roz

Postby h.harb » Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:16 pm

Hi Bev,

There is lots of up side here. First is checking alignment. There just seems to be some delay and hesitation to stand on the stance ski. Also Roz leans off the stance ski once in the arc. Then I would address the fore/aft relationship, Roz may have the disproportionate longer femur to tibia length. This can also be determined after an assessment. We also have the lifter skis, she can try so we can dial in the fore/aft.

As far as movement, this advice J put up is right on.
I would say narrowing the stance and balancing excercises on one ski would be a good place to start , starting off with garlands just balancing on the downhill ski and edging by tipping the foot with ankle pressure on the boot sidewall .
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