Are Fischer's Soma Tec Boots Good for Knock Kneed Skiers?

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Are Fischer's Soma Tec Boots Good for Knock Kneed Skiers?

Postby Smackboy1 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:26 am

First off I'd like say this is a great forum. I've learned a lot reading everybody's posts. TIA.

I discovered boot alignment about a decade ago and it changed my life. I am looking to buy new boots and need advice. I've been doing a lot of research and reading about lateral boots and considering Head, Nordica etc.. I've been reading about Fischer's Soma Tec natural "V" position and I didn't know if they would work for me using PMTS. I read somewhere that Soma Tec doesn't really work well for the knock kneed and I also found this post


but call me dense :oops: I read it a few times and I can't figure out what HH's conclusion is re: Soma Tec. So is there any advantage to a Soma Tec boot (w/ necessary footbeds and alignment and canting) compared to a traditional boot for someone like me?

FWIW here are my stats:

180 lbs
knock kneed
Boots: Tecnica InnoTec 7X w/ custom footbeds
Narrow heels, slightly wide forefoot (maybe 100 mm)
Right Ski: 2.5* shim
Left Ski: 1.5* shim
Normal barefoot stance: left foot is flared out about 5-10*; right foot is flared out about 20-30*
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Re: Are Fischer's Soma Tec Boots Good for Knock Kneed Skiers?

Postby Ken » Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:59 pm

Harald said in that posting, " We noticed through on snow movement comparison that the Fisher boot made the skier more knock kneed."

I asked a race coach, who is also a Fischer guy, about these boots. He said that they were good for bow legged skiers.

The Soma Tec sounds exactly opposite of what you need.
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Re: Are Fischer's Soma Tec Boots Good for Knock Kneed Skiers?

Postby Smackboy1 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:49 am

Ken wrote:Harald said in that posting, " We noticed through on snow movement comparison that the Fisher boot made the skier more knock kneed."

I asked a race coach, who is also a Fischer guy, about these boots. He said that they were good for bow legged skiers.

The Soma Tec sounds exactly opposite of what you need.

Thanks for the 411. I wasn't quite sure whether HH's statement was for a Fischer boot right out of the box, or after alignment work on the boot i.e. footbed, sole plane etc. it was still causing the knees to track medially.

I tried a pair of Fischers in the store the other day (I think they were Soma MX Pro 105). They were comfortable in the shop. The abduction is very subtle. Not really noticeable just wearing the boots, only noticeable when I am wearing a different regular boot on the other foot. The fore/aft flex index of a Fischer 105 feels a lot stiffer than the equivalent Nordica 100-110 rating. The abduction is not enough to change the medial tracking of my knees much, if any at all. I ended up ordering a pair of Nordica Speedmachine 14. The Nordicas felt like they had less forward lean (more upright) and a lower ramp angle.
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