Rock n Roll Mount Point

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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby Basil j » Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:33 pm

Jjmdane wrote:I picked up a pair of 187's and skied them at Cannon a few weeks ago during a demo day with varied conditions,ranging from hard pack to harder pack to scrapped off. I have PRDs mounted on the line and a tune of .7 and 4 and they held just about as well as anything I skied that day. Obviously they are not a race ski but they were fun and adequate on any of the conditions that I encountered that day. The guy that tunes my skis does a great job and he told me that Heads out of the box can be all over the map so I think if you have your skis tuned by somebody who knows what they're doing it could make a huge difference.
Prior to these skis I have not been a big fan of rocker but I really enjoy the Rock n Rolls. They seem to respond very well to early tipping movements. If this coming nor'easter hits as expected, I plan to take them up on Friday and ski some softer snow and cut up.

Hey Jjmdane, I ski Cannon every weekend and both holiday weeks. Do you want to try to get together and do some skiing? PM me and let me know. I'll be up Saturday thru Wednesday this upcoming week. Would love to get together with another PMTS skier. This is my first season working on it and would love the chance to ski with another PMTS skier and also get some feedback, seeing I can never get anyone to video me :(
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby dan.boisvert » Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:35 pm

Sounds like you use Mike DeSantis, jjmdane. :D He has set up most of my skis, but I hadn't bothered with these. I'm working on when I can get out there to get these to him now. I guess I'll have to ski them as-is Friday, though. The NWS has issued a warning forecasting 10-20 inches in southern VT. Hopefully it'll be deep enough that a little convexity and excess base bevel won't matter!

That's a great video showing what these ought to be able to do, Max. Harald could probably still ski like that on mine by tipping faster at initiation, but I sure can't. Mine just don't respond like the ones in the video. Can't wait to see how these perform after Mike gets his hands on them.
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby theorist » Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:41 pm

Max_501 wrote:Harald skiing the RnR on a steep pitch.

What length RnR does Harald ski? [At 150, I'm half-way between your weight (155) and Harald's (145); would like to also try the 173 before deciding, but that's not available for demo.]
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby Max_501 » Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:58 pm

He's on my 180cm RnR in that video. BTW, a 5lb difference in weight isn't significant in either direction.
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby Jjmdane » Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:10 am

I skied my Head RnRs ( 187 length mounted on the line) in 10-15" of non blower fresh and cut up Friday at Loon. There was everything from fresh on groomed, cut up, wind blown, wind blown bumps, scrapped off to powder clumps and everything in between. They ski well in seemingly every condition This was the second time on them but the first time for an extended period and they are much more fun than my older 184 Mantras ( which Is what I used to use in those conditions)). In spite of the slight tail rocker and rounded tails you can pop the ski if you so desire.
Thanks to this forum for the info on these skis.
Basil j, I will be at Cannon on Monday and Tuesday.
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby dan.boisvert » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:17 pm

I skied these (as-is) Friday at Magic in 16-18" of heavy new, and yesterday at Sugarbush in leftovers of about the same, and liked them way better on soft stuff that wasn't sitting on top of boilerplate. With more experimentation, I'm pretty sure it's the tune, which will be rectified this week. Thanks for the help in getting this sorted out, guys. I'll post a followup after I get them out again, but I'm pretty sure that'll take care of it.

I noticed they had great grip on rocks and shrubbery though, even in their current state. Can't wait to see how well they do after I get them set up right!
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby dan.boisvert » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:19 pm

Yup, it was the tune. Holy crap, these things are great; it's amazing the difference flat bases and a reasonable base bevel made.

Got them ground and set to .7/3, and skied them yesterday at Smuggler's Notch, which had pretty much perfect conditions for testing. Fluffy bumps and some hard ones, wind-deposited soft stuff and -scoured hard stuff, no crowds, recent snow, and snowing. These skis are exactly what I wanted them to be--reasonable on hard stuff, plenty of float and super fun in soft, and just a great ride all over.

Thanks for the help, guys! :D
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby Max_501 » Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:15 pm

A .7 base bevel is on the aggressive side for an off piste ski like the RnR. Doable but in challenging conditions that .7 can be an handful.
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Re: Rock n Roll Mount Point

Postby dan.boisvert » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:41 am

Thanks, Max. If it proves to be too much work, I'll take it to a 1. So far, I'm liking the increased responsiveness for surprise ice bands and stuff. I guess I'll see what happens. Thanks again for your help with this--fixing the tune totally changed my impression of the ski. :)
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