Forward pressure adjustment of Head Freeflex Pro 14 bindings

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Forward pressure adjustment of Head Freeflex Pro 14 bindings

Postby Bingster » Sun Sep 24, 2017 3:18 pm

I have a question on how to adjust forward pressure of Head Freeflex Pro 14 bindings.

After a friend of mine talked about forward pressure settings of ski bindings, I checked and noticed that after my ski boot clicked in, the metal forward pressure indicator tab shows 6 scribed lines. So I think this is on the loose side.

Can somebody tell me how to adjust the forward pressure? Or, if this is something difficult to do, I have to take them back to the ski shop which installed these bindings for me.

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Re: Forward pressure adjustment of Head Freeflex Pro 14 bind

Postby jbotti » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:17 am

That metal piece with the 6 scribed lines can be released using a screwdriver (put it underneath that piece of metal and just pop it up). Once released it allows you to move the tail piece forward and back about 1-1.5 centimeters. Adjust the forward pressure so the tab is in the middle of the 6 scribed lines. Anywhere inside the lines is within the acceptable range but best to get them as close to middle as possible.
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