Eyeopening benefits from HSS alignment

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Eyeopening benefits from HSS alignment

Postby ChrisV » Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:55 pm

This is a belated shoutout for Walker and all the staff at Harb Ski Systems. In February I was able to work an alignment session into a Colorado ski trip. Walker worked with me, with occasional consultation with Diana who was also in the shop that day. I brought in my one year old boots, fitted with older footbeds and with Cantology strips installed by a shop in Nevada.

As expected, Walker measured me seven ways to Sunday. I want to mention a part of the process that, from reading Harald's materials and from other advice received, I hadn't quite anticipated. Walker very patiently had me balance on one stocking foot, then the other, while inserting thin shims under various parts of the sole of my foot. From this, he was able to measure where additional support was needed to best promote my ability to balance. He then built new footbeds using this information.

When I first got out on snow, I was immediately struck by the enhancement of my balancing ability. This included improvements in one ski traverses, both big toe edge and little toe edge, and in my general skiing. Undoubtedly all aspects of the alignment had roles in this, but I could clearly feel on the soles of my feet improvements in all around support.

Walker spent about three hours with me--very thorough. I would heartily recommend to any skier to make an appointment and go through this evaluation, if there's any way you can make it to Dumont. You will spend a little more than you would at most other shops, but frankly, for what you get, it's a bargain. Take into account the effort the staff will put in, and the fact that you'd be hard pressed to find another place, anywhere, with similar expertise, offering comparable service. Elsewhere you might pay $150 for less-than-great footbeds, and not get much other than the footbeds.

If you like skiing at all, you owe it to yourself.
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Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:52 am

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