Any current skis similar to 2012 Movement Jams

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Any current skis similar to 2012 Movement Jams

Postby Skizoo » Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:10 am

This is probably a question only those who owned them can answer..

Are there any current skis that are similar to the 2012 Movement Jams? (The green top sheets)
Both in terms of specs and how they actually skied? 136-85-117 / 16

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Re: Any current skis similar to 2012 Movement Jams

Postby jbotti » Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:35 am

I still have a pair in the 182 length. I don't think there are a lot of comparable skis. The Head Monster 88s were a bit more ski, a little less user friendly off piste but way better on piste. The Kastle MX 88 is similar to the Monster 88s, much stronger ski, especially on piste, and not quite as forgiving as the jams off-piste. The Fischer RC One 86 GT may be the closest to the Jams except it has good amount of tip rocker and the jams did not, but in overall feel and ease of use I would say they are similar. Below is my review of that ski. For strong PMTS skiers, I think there are better skis than the Fischer. But for someone looking for a very forgiving ski with decent performance in the 85-86 waist width, its a decent ski.

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Re: Any current skis similar to 2012 Movement Jams

Postby Skizoo » Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:09 pm

Thx for the feedback. I've been skiing the 2019 Laser AX's as my primary all mountain ski for the past few years. It has a bit of tip rocker but not much. I also still have the Jams, 2 pair in fact, but they are pretty lifeless at this point. I also skied the older Monster 78's and then the 1st generation clone Peak 78's, both of which I liked a lot, still have those also but they are deader than the Jams. Good review on the RC One 86.
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