Footbeds for everyday use in addition to skiing

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Footbeds for everyday use in addition to skiing

Postby Jwthe2nd » Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:19 pm

I understand the importance of footbeds for skiing alignment. One would think that proper alignment (and footbeds) for all footwear would be very beneficial too, such that this feedback with every step should help with one's skiing. What are your thoughts? Thanks.
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Re: Footbeds for everyday use in addition to skiing

Postby jbotti » Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:02 pm

Footbeds/orthotics for every day is mostly dependent on how high ones arches are. Flat footed people do not need arch supports (because they have no arches). For someone like me with excessively high arches, walking became problematic in my 40s without orthotics/arch supports. If you add in running, it is very problematic for those with high arches without properly made orthotics and this is a major cause of stress fractures (of which I had several before I got orthotics).
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