

Postby Carl R » Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:58 pm

A few (a lot actually) of my racing buddies (non pmts) have been telling me to pull the outside foot forward starting from the apex. This is in gs. They also want my upper body square pointing in direction of travel.
Why? I don't understand.
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Re: Why?

Postby Max_501 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:10 pm

Sounds like traditional race coaching input. When I was coaching my race kids I told them to ignore everything but what they were learning from HH.

Here's an old post from HH on this topic.

h.harb wrote:No one here advocates pushing a foot or feet forward. There are threads explaining this just a few weeks ago this came up again. How can you possibly carve the tip when you are pushing your feet or foot forward.

I know the girl that beats you is not pushing her feet forward, that's just what you see. She is managing her fore/aft balance with feet under her body and by holding her feet back at the correct moment so her hips can move downhill.

This is not technique; it’s logical physics. For a ski to run fast it has to be pressured and for the ski to be pressured; your balance has to be on the or near the center. The point where you pressure the ski center, is only a few inches long under the foot. Even on a flat easy race course, you don’t push the feet forward, as it would un-pressure the ski center.
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Re: Why?

Postby NoCleverName » Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:04 am

Whatever you do, don't argue with them! And, after y0u are consistently beating them and they wonder why, just say "Maybe you aren't pushing your feet forward enough." :twisted:
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