New England PMTS Meetup

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New England PMTS Meetup

Postby dan.boisvert » Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:34 am


Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010
Location: Pico Mountain
73 Alpine Drive
Killington, VT 05751

The plan is to meet in the base lodge around 8AM, with the goal of being on a lift by 8:30. I'll grab a table on the first floor, as close as possible to the wall of cubbies. Look for the group without any rotary boots. ;)

If you're coming, please shoot me a PM so I can keep track of the headcount and make sure we don't miss anybody. Also, if I don't already have your contact info, please include your mobile number so we can find each other if anybody gets lost. (I'll reply with mine) Thanks!


Hi folks,

As a newer poster here, I've been impressed with the friendliness of the group and number of invitations I've gotten to ski with PMTSers. There are a bunch of us in New England, but it seems most of us have never met or skied together. I'm attempting to fix this. Even with the recent snow, I figure this needs to happen by the end of March to give us good odds on conditions being okay.

I think the best idea is to try for a one-day thing to get started. If we get enough folks committed, I'll handle a group dinner reservation somewhere, etc. I'm not looking to limit this to forum posters, either--bring your spouses, kids, friends, dogs, goldfish--as long as they're attempting to ski PMTS, they're probably better at it than I am. At this time it's probably best to keep it to folks already familiar with PMTS, though--as this is my first attempt at this, I doubt we'll be organized well enough to impress the PMTS-curious.

Weekends that so far look best for me:


I could also do 3/20-3/21, if that works best for everybody else. Please post up if you're interested in attending, along with how many people you expect to bring and which weekends work best for you. I suspect a resort in southern VT will work best for the folks I've spoken with already, but I'm open to suggestions.

I'll update this post as details are settled so you don't have to scroll through the expected thousands of posts expressing interest to get the critical info. ;)


Last edited by dan.boisvert on Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby ToddW » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:54 pm

I'm not sure of my schedule yet, but I am definitely interesting in trying to attend (party of 1.)
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby Skizoo » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:16 pm

Hey Dan, I'll be in the Ludlow area til the 21st or so, with the exception of a few days when I'll be in North Conway.. I'm available pretty much any weekday (Okemo, Killington or Pico) but I don't usually ski much on weekends. ( I hate crowds! ) :x

Let me know what days you come up with and I'll see what's going on, and if you can get up on a weekday that would be great too..

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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby Mac » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:12 am

Pick a time and place. I will be there if I can. I'll see if I can't get a few more people interested.
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby ginaliam » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:17 pm

With all the recent snow-a fun and challenging place to hit would be Magic--and it's cheap. And it's days might be numbered so ski it while you can.

A Mad River day would also be great (longer drive, but a little better).

I have to admit, I'm not one for chasing crowds at Busy Vermont Resorts on a Saturday (or paying for the pleasure), which is another plug for Mad River or magic.

An early April Spring bump trip would be great, too-best day of skiing I had last year was at Stowe on April 16th.

Where were you thinking of skiing, Dan??
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby dan.boisvert » Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:49 pm

ginaliam wrote:With all the recent snow-a fun and challenging place to hit would be Magic--and it's cheap. And it's days might be numbered so ski it while you can.


Where were you thinking of skiing, Dan??

I was thinking southern VT due to logistics. I figured it was half way or so between NYC and the parts of Maine that have most of the people, so nobody would have to dedicate a full day to driving.

As far as ski areas go, my first thought was honestly "I would love to be able to bring this to Magic..", and I've been looking for an excuse and scheduling opportunity to go back after skiing there for the first time a month or two ago. Then I thought a bit more and wondered if one of the bigger resorts with more predictable conditions and more groomed terrain would be a better idea, at least for the first run at this. I loved the character and terrain at Magic, but if people are bringing spouses, kids, dogs, and goldfish, some might want to stick to groomed trails and Magic doesn't really have a lot of those, especially if people are expecting the kind of manicured corduroy that's plentiful at the bigger resorts.

There are at least another handful of folks in the New England region who haven't posted up yet, so I'll wait to see if anybody else has a strong opinion before making a call on it. Thanks for bringing Magic into the conversation, though--Black Line has been calling my name lately and asking me when I'd come back to visit, especially after the snow last week. :)
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby meput » Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:05 pm

Great idea to have a NE PMTS roundup. Thanks for the PM, I rarely look at the Posse forum section.

As Mac said, "Pick a time and place. I will be there if I can."

I haven't skied in Vermont since the early '60's. The only problem I would have with Vermont is that it is 6-8 hr drive (depending on mountain) for me from Maine :? . Here is where I put in a plug for Sugarloaf, they have received 64 inches of snow over the last 5 days and more in the forecast :shock: . I go on vacation from 3/5 through 3/14. A road trip to Vermont etc would be easier during that time period. Anybody who can get together on a weekday during that period, give me a shout!

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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby orangeman » Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:57 pm

Sorry I can't be I will still be in Colorado until the first week in April. But keep in touch, for the next time.
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby dan.boisvert » Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:42 pm

Okay, folks--looks like we have enough scheduling info to make a call, and the verdict is in!

Pico Mountain in Killington, VT is the winner, and Saturday, March 13th is the date. Mac informs me that he's never seen Pico crowded, so we should have plenty of space. I skied there on New Years this year for that reason, and it did not disappoint. Lift lines were periodic and minimal. Grooming and snowmaking seemed pretty reasonable, so we should have okay odds at decent conditions.

I've updated my first post in this thread with the details.

Additionally, I'm trying to get a bunch of friends together at Magic on Sunday the 14th. If you've never skied Magic, I highly recommend checking it out, and since you'll be in the area anyway, why not join us? The atmosphere is wonderful, and the mountain has a very surprising amount of challenging terrain. There's currently an attempt in progress to create a Mad River Glen-style co-op to take over operation of the mountain. I think that once you ski it, you'll see why. At this time, snowmaking and grooming at Magic is somewhat limited and not really up to par with what you get at the big resorts, so please expect a more "natural" experience. Feel free to decide at the last minute. I'll be skiing there Sunday, even if everybody bails on me and I'm skiing alone. :)
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby ginaliam » Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:44 am


I think I'm in for Magic on the 14th. I'll hsave two friends with me If I can swing it. I hope they pick up two feet of snowq vbetween now and then and we get a 45 degree, sunny spring day there!


Pico is a good choice, btw, but Saturday is a no go for me.
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby patprof » Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:04 am

Dan-can't make it this year-but a great idea!
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby Mac » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:14 am

Things are starting to look a little soggy for the weekend... :(
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby ToddW » Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:40 am

The forecast is highly volatile right now. The latest is that most of the ncp may be on Friday and on Satuday night (into Sunday morning :( ) I'd wait until Thursday night or Friday before making a decision to pull out. At present, I still plan to attend.

BTW, the forecast with the best track record for Pico/Killington is available at ... n/6day/bot and ... n/6day/mid .
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby meput » Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:25 pm

Just had a great day at Saddleback. I am still on/in for Pico on Saturday. Besides, how often are the weathermen correct? They are like PSIA, promise great things and never deliver!

See you Saturday,
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Re: New England PMTS Meetup

Postby dan.boisvert » Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:12 pm

I like your spirit, Jim!

I'm still in for Saturday. I'll be wearing gore-tex anyway, and I've only skied in the rain twice so far this year.

There was a gorgeous rainbow just off the side of the trail the first day--I got so distracted when I came around the bend and saw it, I nearly crashed. If there's a repeat and somebody gets a photo of me crashing with the rainbow in the background, I'll pay $10 for a copy of it!

(note: if the conditions are truly that bad, I may be amenable to calling it a half-day and finding someplace that serves tasty refreshing beverages)
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