The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby arothafel » Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:13 pm

My friend took this video with a Flip Video Camera.
Very handy, but takes a bit of practice. I hope this doesn't make you sea-sick!

For MA purposes:
Skis: Head Monsters IM78 170's
Working on:

1.) NOT bending over at the waist
2.) More tipping throughout the turn
3.) "O" frame ... trying to hold on to old LTE while tipping to new LTE (I practice this at end of every run)
4.) And, of course, my right arm swing which tends to make me rotate

Let me know what else you see...
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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby leopold_bloom » Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:53 pm

Hello Arothafel,

Really dynamic skiing.

The images were way to small for my eyes for form much of an opinion.

What I didn't see was clear evidence of being most flexed as you go through flat. The sure sign of a good release.

I suspect a little push-off-and-out. That is where you still push off the old ski and as a consequence have to push the feet out away from you to get edge.

If you push off at all, even just a bit, you can't tip. It just doesn't work.

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby arothafel » Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:56 am

Thanks Leo and to the PMs...

... all of which point to the "push-off" on the stance foot. That's why at the end of the run I'm practicing the "O" frame... as a way to delay that stance foot from engaging/extending too quickly. Harald spotted me doing it even on Carvers. Old school habits die hard!

Sometimes, when the stars and moon are aligned... I actually get it right. When I delay the stance foot long enough and have my fore/aft position correct... I can actually tip more and more throughout the turn and feel the pressure BUILD on the stance foot. So... I've had a taste of it... and just need to get it built into my skiing through repetition. (hopefully next video)

So far, practicing the "O" frame seems to be the trick for me. Any other suggestions or drills are appreciated.

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby leopold_bloom » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:36 pm

Hi Art,

On second viewing, I'm not sure that I was on the mark with my previous remarks. I would ignore my previous post and perhaps my present one as well!

I'm having a little trouble seeing what's going on quite honestly. Maybe it's the motion of the camera throwing me off.

One thing I noticed second time around is that your body is crossing your skis quite nicely on a lot of your turns. Your transition seems to be working for you pretty well.

What I thought I saw was a bit of a skid part way through some turns. Now that I look at it again it may be the O-framing that is contributing to this by throwing off the natural progression of your turn. I have to say I like your first few turns better than the last ones where you are o-framing. My understanding of the big O in terms of motion (rather than position) is that it is leading the tipping with the new inside foot. Is it possible that you are bringing in the O-frame too late and holding it too long? Could this cause you to lean in a little and cause the skid?

Just a speculative thought.

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby arothafel » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:21 am


1.) I very much appreciate your MA(s). I think they are dead on. When I reference your remarks against the video things become more obvious to me.

2.) The dreaded push-off is something I must continually work on. As well as 100 other things... but that is a BIG one. Other people agree with you via PM.

3.) I am totally bummed that I was not flexed at transition. This was taped in the morning (excuses, excuses) and I can see that my whole body is not as flexed or as fluid as it can be after I'm warmed up and have about 5-6 runs under my belt. I need to be aware of this.

4.) At the end of the run... when I'm practicing the "O" frame, well, quite frankly, I'm not thinking about anything except my feet. You are right that I am probably exaggerating the movement. It's quite possible that I'm starting too late and that I may be hanging on too long. I really don't know. As for the rest of my body... it's on auto pilot when I practice the "O" frame. So, what you're seeing is right. I look to be leaning in a bit. The real purpose of the "O" Frame for me, is to stop the push-off and delay the new stance foot and allow pressure to build. (the pix below is as much of an "O" as I can currently produce - I'm usually "A" framed at this point of the turn)


5.) For some reason... and I don't know why... but this same exercise seems to help with combating my tendency to bend at the waist, thus allowing me to get my feet further under my hips. This is another HUGE breakthrough for me.

I just really need more ski time to build all these new things into my skiing through repetition...

Again, Leo... thanks for the keen eye. I'll be posting more video as the season progresses and hope you'll continue to help.

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby leopold_bloom » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:48 pm

Hi Art,

I don't understand your O-frame explanation.

My thinking is that the O-frame emphasis is to encourage an active free foot (one that leads the tipping) and to avoid hanging onto the old stance foot too long (A-frame or opposed edges). I could see trying to O-frame right as you begin to tip into the new turn, but I don't understand how it plays at the end of the turn.

Where are you in the turn in the picture? If that's the top half, I'm all in favour, otherwise not.

I should think it would be more valuable to focus on flexing the inside leg to increase your angles as the turn progresses.

Is this O-framing to "delay the new stance foot" as you put it, an exercise that is taught in the camps?

I must have missed the memo on this one. Tell me more.

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby arothafel » Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:09 am


You're right about the picture I posted. It's mis-labeled. At that point I should be more flexed and tipped. It is the top half. Nonetheless, for me, it's still an improvement.

The "O" should really be practiced on the flats or very easy terrain. The goal (for me) is exactly, EXACTLY as you describe it:

My thinking is that the O-frame emphasis is to encourage an active free foot (one that leads the tipping) and to avoid hanging onto the old stance foot too long (A-frame or opposed edges).

The "O" frame is taught at the camps as well as another new one called the "Robot." The Robot is where on flats, you tip your left foot first, then tip right foot to match, then bring right foot back to flat, then bring left foot back to flat, then right foot tipped, then left foot tipped, etc.

|| - \| - \\ - \| - || - |/ - // - |/ - ||

When performed, it kind of looks robotic.

When HH skis, you can see just a little bit of an "O" frame between his turns at transition, but of course his movements are so refined... it's a little difficult to pick-out. Here's a video that is slowed down. Watch at transition. It happens very quickly.. and perhaps looks more like a "D" frame than "O" frame... but will give you an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish. You can really see it when he drills the TFR at the end of the clip. I have to exaggerate it. It seems like I need to get this down since it will impact flexing and tipping and hopefully get rid of the dreaded "push-off!"

Thanks again, Leo
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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby h.harb » Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:45 pm

Nice upper body discipline, big changes from what I saw at the last camp. No trace of the wrap around pole, arm swing. I don't see big issues with the release. I see much more uniformity in your leg shafts compared to camp. A steeper slope might show more, but on this terrain excellent skiing
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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby zuschauer » Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:03 am

I shouldn't have watched that right after breakfast....urp. :D

Art, I followed you extensively at A-Basin and I've got to echo what Harald said. Also no sign of the park and ride that Max was helping us eliminate through the continual tipping. Nice work (have your friend work on the video control though) I think you are being a little tough on your self-eval. I've got to get Robin to work on a Flip video of me so I can make some folks (see or seasick?) as well

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Re: The Latest Video... I hope it doesn't make you sea-sick...

Postby arothafel » Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:37 pm

Hey Richard!

Yes... the only way to watch that video is "stop-action" with a trigger finger on the mouse!

Only 6 ski days since camp, but I took home a lot of information and stuff to work on.

Two of my biggest struggles are "bending at the waist" and my "right-arm pole swing" as HH mentioned. At the end of the video I simply drag my poles.

Since camp, the focus has been to stay more flexed and really pull both feet back under me at transition... it kind of forces me NOT to bend at the waist. Then, with more flex, I'm able to tip more throughout the turn -- which helps eliminate park & ride. Go figure!

I remember in a post by Helluva that he tries to feel some of the feet "pull back" in his heels (not his exact words). That helped me alot -- to shift from the balls of my feet. I know I'm tipping more because at the end of the day I'm pulling caked-up snow out of my pant cuffs (from the tipping ski hooking up).

I'll have more video in about a week or two. Thanks for the kind words and I look forward to your posts.

Having grown up in NH, I really like your avatar. Classic!
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