SkiClubZ primer

SkiClubZ primer

Postby Diana Rogers » Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:14 pm

Here is a primer on using the SkiClubZ site to watch your camp videos. It's a work in progress - please add info that will help other campers.

We invite you to join the group which comprises all the campers (“athletes”) for your camp session. If you attend more than one camp, you can have one login, but will be invited to and can belong to more than one of our groups. Each athlete must have an individual e-mail address. If you normally share an e-mail address with another camper, please sign up for a free account at gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.

A few weeks before the camp, we issue an e-mail invitation through SkiClubZ to your existing e-mail address (the same as the one on your camp enrollment). This e-mail will come from “SkiClubZ” ( and will be titled “Group Notification From”. Proceed to next section, Creating a Login.

Existing athlete
A few weeks before the camp, we issue an e- invitation through SkiClubZ to your existing login name (if we know it) or e-mail address (the same as the one on your camp enrollment). This e-mail will come from “SkiClubZ” ( and will be titled “Group Notification From”.
You will also receive a notification on your dashboard if you log into SkiClubZ. Click on “Accept” to join the group.

Creating a login
Click on the link in the invitation e-mail. You get to create your own login name and password. The login name does not have to be your real name; you'll input that separately. Please write down the login name and password that you create. I cannot reissue them if you forget them.

When you login you'll come to the “dashboard” - an overview of your events and videos.

Notifications box
This will show any new events we have made for your group, invitations to join groups, and any video postings.

My Schedule box
My Schedule will show recent and upcoming events (one week before and after today). We post the camp's daily “events” one or two days ahead of time.

Schedule (top menu)
Click on “Schedule” in the top menus (white on blue) in order to see a calendar of all events. (Necessary to see events beyond the one-week before/after window).

My Videos box
Once videos are assigned to you or you claim them, they are listed here.

The events for each day are each coach's group. Thus, if we have 6 coaches at a camp, there will be six events per day named for the coaches. All campers who are enrolled in SkiclubZ will be “invited” to each event and will receive notifications for all the events (even though you'll be skiing with only one coach per day.)

You can find recent (+/- one week) events in your My Schedule box, or you can see all of them on the monthly calendar accessible via the White/Blue “schedule” menu at the top of the page.

During camp, we attempt to upload all campers' video every day. If we encounter technical difficulties, we upload them on a later day. The videos are uploaded into an event. Thus, all of the skiers in Jay's group will have their videos uploaded to the event named “Jay” (or something similar) on each day that they ski with Jay.

Assigned videos for existing athletes
If you accepted our invitation and joined our group before the daily event, then we will assign your videos to you and you will be notified by e-mail and in your dashboard that you have a new video.

Claiming unassigned videos
Even if you have not joined SkiclubZ, we upload the video. We make an attempt to put each skier's name as the video title, but occasionally they go unnamed. The video will be “unassigned”. If you join SkiclubZ after we have uploaded it, you can look at unassigned videos from each event and “claim” those that are yours...
1. Login
2. Click on "Schedule" in the top row menus
3. Click on your coach's group on the first day of camp. A pop-up menu appears; click on "View Details" in the lower right corner.
4. Scroll down until you see a video with your name (FirstnameLastInitial) as the title. Some days may have more than one segment, in which case you may need to click on additional page links (bottom right of video list). Click on that video title.
5. Click on "Claim this video as yours" to the right of the video display. This should assign the video to you.
6. Repeat from Step 2 for each day of the camp.

You can tailor the types of notifications that you'd like to receive within the “settings” tab under your name/picture on the dashboard.

Depending on your settings, you'll receive e-mail and dashboard notifications for events we add for your group (all the campers for a camp) and for videos we upload to your group or to your events. These messages will come from “SkiClubZ” (; make sure your e-mail is set to accept mail from this address.

If you have friends or family members whom you'd like to watch your videos, they need to contact you to become “followers”. Once you accept them, they can watch your videos.
Diana Rogers
Posts: 120
Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:33 am

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