Come on, Man!

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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby h.harb » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:20 pm

Pretty ugly bunch, looks like a group of Canadian CISA level 3 skiers. Sad state of affairs.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby gandalf » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:05 pm

C'mon man. You're posting boat race results from 1983.
Are you Aussies that desperate for something to brag about???
Or is the Internet from down under so slow that the results are just now getting to the forum?? :lol:

MonsterMan wrote:The races

This was the first time the America's Cup had needed a sixth race, let alone a seventh.[3]
Date Winner Yacht Loser Yacht Score Delta
September 14, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia II KA-6 1-0 1:10
September 15, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia II KA-6 2-0 1:33
September 18, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 1-2 3:14
September 20, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia KA-6 3-1 0:43
September 21, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 2-3 1:47
September 22, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 3-3 3:25
September 26, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 4-3 0:41
[edit] Aftermath

The final race was televised in Australia in the early hours just before dawn, and the victory was celebrated in public venues across Australia. Prime Minister Bob Hawke was interviewed at the dawn celebration in Claremont, Western Australia, and said, "Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum".

The America's Cup was transferred from the New York Yacht Club to the Royal Perth Yacht Club located in Perth Western Australia who subsequently hosted their first, but unsuccessful, defense in the 1987 America's Cup.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby HeluvaSkier » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:33 pm

I've never known an Aussie to brag. I don't know what that says... I've just never seen it. :mrgreen:
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby A.L.E » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:21 am

MonsterMan wrote:The races

This was the first time the America's Cup had needed a sixth race, let alone a seventh.[3]
Date Winner Yacht Loser Yacht Score Delta
September 14, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia II KA-6 1-0 1:10
September 15, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia II KA-6 2-0 1:33
September 18, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 1-2 3:14
September 20, 1983 Liberty US-40 Australia KA-6 3-1 0:43
September 21, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 2-3 1:47
September 22, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 3-3 3:25
September 26, 1983 Australia II KA-6 Liberty US-40 4-3 0:41
[edit] Aftermath

The final race was televised in Australia in the early hours just before dawn, and the victory was celebrated in public venues across Australia. Prime Minister Bob Hawke was interviewed at the dawn celebration in Claremont, Western Australia, and said, "Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum".

The America's Cup was transferred from the New York Yacht Club to the Royal Perth Yacht Club located in Perth Western Australia who subsequently hosted their first, but unsuccessful, defense in the 1987 America's Cup.

Great memories Monsterman. :D
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby h.harb » Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:00 pm

Look, let's set the record straight, I don't hate BB, but the guy is a moron. He called me many things over the years, because I disagreed with PSIA, well PSIA is a bunch of morons as well. The sad thing is, that BB doesn't really know why he disagrees with PMTS, he's too much of a moron to know why. That's why I don't hate him, I pity him, but does that make him a better moron, no!
Bob is just representative of all the PSIA instructors, (except a small minority, who we know and I think they are all on this forum), all three of them.

PSIA and CSIA don't "really" know why they hate me, from a skiing technical stand point, except that I call their programs crap, which is what they are. Want to ruin your skiing, follow PSIA and CSIA's teachings. They hate me because I tell the truth, please, no comparisons to Ron Paul.

I didn't know then that he had been to a CSIA upgrade (he is a CSIA instructor who doesn't teach, and he must do an upgrade every three years). Of course he was pushing off the BTE! If you swing the downhill knee out, you don't want to have your uphill foot in an inversion position, so you move it to an eversion position and the tendency is to push. The second thought concerned Nikki, who I had wrongly thought had boots too heavy, because she was making so much movement to tip her feet, such a small amount. Wednesday morning, she had told me she had been skiing with her level 4 friend, (highest level in CSIA) who had given her a few tips.

BB has said many times, that I had just copied PSIA, with a few word changes. How stupid is that? PMTS is totally different from the feet up, and it teaches totally different movements. I have to ask, can BB read? PSIA doesn't teach any movements at all.

Well, Bob B. figured that out, that he looked stupid by saying PMTS was just another version of PSIA, (after about 5 years of trying to discredit me), so did his pals at PSIA and Epic, so then they began saying, " We already do all of that Harb stuff in PSIA", great tactic right?

"Everything Harb has written in his books, we already do in PSIA". Come on Man!

Everyone who has taken a PMTS lesson knows better. Does that mean regular skiers are smarter than PSIA examiners, CSIA level 3 and 4, PSIA level 3 and up, and trainers? Yes!

Can't be that difficult.

Wow, what a reversal, from saying I was old and out of fashion with my PMTS technique, and I was just changing a few words in PSIA to "We already do all that". Well, that was a surprise to anyone who has ever taken a PMTS lesson. Let's just assume BB is right, and say OK, so PSIA has done and is doing everything PMTS or Harb has done. So why did they stop. Did they figure it was too good for their customers? I can't figure it out, if they had taught PMTS, right, they would have put me, PMTS and Harb Ski Systems out of business. They have not done so, (I know they wish they could) and they have not done so, because they don't know how and they can't teach the quality of lesson we teach, simple.

It's a funny story, and shows the total collusion and ignorance of TTS systems, they try to cover up their incompetence and their inability to teach,and ski, by ignoring, hiding and discounting the best skiing systems. Come on Man, at least have a good story to tell why PMTS doesn't work!
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby federico » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:18 am

An incognitus american friend send me months ago copy the official
Brigitte Bardot and Alpine Education Committee's" PSIA Rocky Mountain Maneuvers",
a manual for certification exams.

I never read so many incorrect informations in just 10 pages.

First of all semplicity in this case is a Devil's trap, I remember my (great!)
Professor of Mechanics of Structures telling us at the University :
" Every complex problem has a simple solution : THE WRONG ONE!!!"

Second, being a sport professional and instructor I studied extensively
biomechanics at the National school and I can assert with cognitio causae
that there is not a minimum, I said a minimum, understanding of biomechanic.

Small muscles trigger kinetic chains, large muscles (when triggered) provide
energy creation and unconcious istinctive balance, then small muscles again provide
control input and output both for balance and technics (tool control : skis, golf clubs etc.),
propioception is high at the extremities and small muscles (previleged input and output
synapsis tracks from brain to extremities & viceversa), is low in larger muscolar districts
(think to difficulties to perceive correct hip level and amount of move in CA, CB while skiing
or hip level and correct ratio between lateral shift and pelvis rotation in golf);
primary and secondary (controls subsidiary movements) kinetic chains relationship is
ruled by fixed automatic schemas for balance...etc, etc.

This is just basic ABC, nothing of this shown there.

When I read on their forum "edging fine tuning in GS is controlled with delicate
rotation of the outside femur inside the socket I think 3 things :
1) You don't know anything about biomechanics (and then at least use acetabulum, not "socket" if you cheat having studied...)
2)You're trying to impress people with mumbo jumbo and try to cover your ignorance with esoteric jargon
3)You don't know anything about skiing

Third : when confronted with Harald's stuff my friends national instructors and italian A team current coaches
show big interest, approval and will to go into deep comprehension, when confronted with BB's stuff they start to lough...

'Nuff said

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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby HeluvaSkier » Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:17 am

federico wrote:You don't know anything about skiing


I have a list of people I would like to say that to.

I also have another list of people I already have said that to.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby h.harb » Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:13 am

Great posts, thanks
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby Skiasaurus Rex » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:13 pm

h.harb wrote:Look, let's set the record straight, I don't hate BB, but the guy is a moron. He called me many things over the years, because I disagreed with PSIA, well PSIA is a bunch of morons as well. The sad thing is, that BB doesn't really know why he disagrees with PMTS, he's too much of a moron to know why. That's why I don't hate him, I pity him, but does that make him a better moron, no!
Bob is just representative of all the PSIA instructors, (except a small minority, who we know and I think they are all on this forum), all three of them.

PSIA and CSIA don't "really" know why they hate me, from a skiing technical stand point, except that I call their programs crap, which is what they are. Want to ruin your skiing, follow PSIA and CSIA's teachings. They hate me because I tell the truth, please, no comparisons to Ron Paul.

I didn't know then that he had been to a CSIA upgrade (he is a CSIA instructor who doesn't teach, and he must do an upgrade every three years). Of course he was pushing off the BTE! If you swing the downhill knee out, you don't want to have your uphill foot in an inversion position, so you move it to an eversion position and the tendency is to push. The second thought concerned Nikki, who I had wrongly thought had boots too heavy, because she was making so much movement to tip her feet, such a small amount. Wednesday morning, she had told me she had been skiing with her level 4 friend, (highest level in CSIA) who had given her a few tips.

BB has said many times, that I had just copied PSIA, with a few word changes. How stupid is that? PMTS is totally different from the feet up, and it teaches totally different movements. I have to ask, can BB read? PSIA doesn't teach any movements at all.

Well, Bob B. figured that out, that he looked stupid by saying PMTS was just another version of PSIA, (after about 5 years of trying to discredit me), so did his pals at PSIA and Epic, so then they began saying, " We already do all of that Harb stuff in PSIA", great tactic right?

"Everything Harb has written in his books, we already do in PSIA". Come on Man!

Everyone who has taken a PMTS lesson knows better. Does that mean regular skiers are smarter than PSIA examiners, CSIA level 3 and 4, PSIA level 3 and up, and trainers? Yes!

Can't be that difficult.

Wow, what a reversal, from saying I was old and out of fashion with my PMTS technique, and I was just changing a few words in PSIA to "We already do all that". Well, that was a surprise to anyone who has ever taken a PMTS lesson. Let's just assume BB is right, and say OK, so PSIA has done and is doing everything PMTS or Harb has done. So why did they stop. Did they figure it was too good for their customers? I can't figure it out, if they had taught PMTS, right, they would have put me, PMTS and Harb Ski Systems out of business. They have not done so, (I know they wish they could) and they have not done so, because they don't know how and they can't teach the quality of lesson we teach, simple.

It's a funny story, and shows the total collusion and ignorance of TTS systems, they try to cover up their incompetence and their inability to teach,and ski, by ignoring, hiding and discounting the best skiing systems. Come on Man, at least have a good story to tell why PMTS doesn't work!

Good post,

Question, I'm not an instructor nor a Canadian-but do PSIA and CSIA teach the same thing? I have seen some videos of upper level CSIA demo guys and they look, to me anyway, a whole lot better than the top PSIA guys. In fact, even over on Epic, I think the powers that be are getting rankled by some general admiration for the top Canadian guys, and none for the top PSIA guys.

But did CSIA just corral a few better athletes to showcase their system, or are they doing at least something better than PSIA. And of course, Option 3 is a possibility: They're not any better than the PSIA guys (but they sure look better).
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby HeluvaSkier » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:48 pm

I think you're seeing that CSIA is better at selecting former racers to do their demos for them.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby h.harb » Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:10 pm

First of all let's get something straightened out. The Canadians on their official Demo Team are no better than the US PSIA Demo Team. Again the Epic brains can't see MA; so they don't know what the hell they are seeing. (could be the Epic guys are finally seeing that functional rotary sucks and that it kills your skiing; but they don't know what the cause is!)

Second, both teams could ski much better, if they had the right coaching and worked on the correct movements. We had a captain and a Demo Team coach, both were worthless. Good at drinking beer and telling stories, guess that's how you get a job in PSIA?

When I was on the US Demo Team there was no coaching, no coaching for anyone. There was no system, there was no quality control, there was nothing. So you can see the group just starts free falling into a spiral, could be good or bad, in these cases it's all bad.

There is no CA and No CB, the reason for this is they don't tip their feet, boots or skis, they lean their bodies. Looks bad, feels bad and the skis don't respond to leaning.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby BigE » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:40 pm

Harald Harb wrote:There is no CA and No CB, the reason for this is they don't tip their feet, boots or skis, they lean their bodies. Looks bad, feels bad and the skis don't respond to leaning.

+1 a million times.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby h.harb » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:34 pm

Looks like the wind is still blowing, From the left.
Differences between PMTS "Red Jacket" and TTS Demos. Where is the outside pole? This is the "no swing pole tap". How about this compared to TTS skiing?
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby A.L.E » Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:25 am

I was in Big Sky a couple of weeks ago and observed a group of instructors in an early season clinic. Level 2 I'd say.

The clinic leader would ski half way down the hill, stop and watch the half dozen instructors ski down. Three or four minutes talking then repeat.

The skiing skills offered by those instructors was (as you could imagine)very ordinary. It was clear though they had all spent a lot of time on snow. They could get some carving going at speed and they had developed strong two footed balance. :roll: But just like these images Matt and Harald have posted they all pretty much had ZERO CB or CA. Do they consciously tip their feet to put the skis on edge? - No WAY! Edge angles were simple created by inclination. Pole plants were a mixture of the wild swinging rotorary inducer through to the brief case variety. The ONLY uniformity amongst them was their very fetching light turquoise colored jackets. :wink:

As our group of 5 PMTS friends skied by them we must have looked like the USA syncronized ski team in comparison. Their heads were turning.
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Re: Come on, Man!

Postby MonsterMan » Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:32 am

The ONLY uniformity amongst them was their very fetching light turquoise colored jackets. :wink:

You'd know hip boy.

' not that there's anything wrong with that!
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