MA please

MA please

Postby rossymcg » Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:36 pm

so here i am, don't try and butter it up because its obvious i've a lot of problems. i'd made some changes since this clip, that i felt made a difference but never managed to get any footage. So what should i practice on?
thanks in advance all
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Re: MA please

Postby Erik » Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:15 pm

My quick take:
I don't see progressive tipping through the turn - you reach a certain edge angle and hold it. If you focused on continuous tipping (and progressive development of CA/CB) through the turn all the way to release, the video would show a rounder turn shape.
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Re: MA please

Postby rossymcg » Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:38 pm

Yes I know what you mean there Erik,
I have a few problems so focusing on one thing means others get neglected, ive been mainly focusing on pulling my feet back, my view and I'm not sure if its correct or not is working on getting forward, as my thighs burn when I'm back seat.
But when not focusing on getting forward and focusing tipping I find I can get tighter arcs but then I creep in to the back seat,
I've got to practice more but i'll get there,
I'm new to PMTS, I've read book 2 and I'm waiting on book 1 and essentials to be delivered(ordered them all at the same time but only got book 2 so far)
So what drills shall I work on 1st to aid my progression as quickly as possible?
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Re: MA please

Postby Erik » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:00 pm


If you are new to PMTS you are doing fantastic! While you need more PMTS, you don't have a lot of work that most of us have to do to shed a lot of extraneous movments which detract from the skiing.

It is normal for other movements to degrade if you are really focused on improving one thing. That is where video is very useful to document whether you really achieved your focus or not, and to evaluate what else fell apart while you were concentrating on the one movement.

Others with more experience might recommend that you focus on some other area first (the Single Most Important Movement concept), but I will offer a few ideas on the "finishing the turn" concept. You will find many examples of excellent drills in the Essentials Tipping DVD when you get it. PMTS improvements start with, and always come back to more and better tipping movement.
- Try skiing some arcs where you point your skis down hill, and focus on tipping (inside foot light, pulled back, and active; outside foot passive) to carve an arc where you try to tip more and more, curving back up the hill, all the way until you come to a stop. (Be careful to watch for traffic when you do this kind of drill!). Focus on the the LTE tipping of the inside foot, not BTE tipping of the stance foot. Pay attention to where your balance is all the way until you come to a stop. From the video, I think you might be carrying too much weight on the inside ski.
- The PMTS videos have various example of doing garlands. Ski partial arcs to focus on finishing the turn, release to point them back down slope without crossing the fall line, and try again in the same direction.
- Following the concept of the arcs with continuous tipping, try sking some turns where you keep tipping past the fall line and back up the hill before you release. This practice will help ingrain the idea of continuous tipping until release.
- After practicing all that, do some turns like you were doing in the video with focus on steadily increasing tipping all the way to release. Focus on tipping so much you are trying to do a decreasing radius turn. When you release, you will probably feel that the ski is loaded with more energy, and you will get more rebound to absorb.
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Re: MA please

Postby milesb » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:10 pm

I recommend going to a flatter slope, skiing slower, and focus on balancing on the stance ski and lifting and tipping the free ski. Tip the free ski forcefully, smoothly and continuously. You will want to exaggerate the flexing to release while doing this, as it's easy to neglect that on low dynamic turns. As long as you don't do anything to prevent it, your upper should naturally CB and CA to stay in balance on your stance ski.
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Re: MA please

Postby MonsterMan » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:13 pm

Each turn has a stem entry.


Stop the video at each transition and see the knock kneed look.

Slow your skiing down and do all of the Essential Tipping exercises.

Use a video editor and get rid of redundant footage.
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Re: MA please

Postby MonsterMan » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:14 pm

sorry MilesB, posted at same time.
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Re: MA please

Postby milesb » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:03 pm

np, it's reinforcement.
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Re: MA please

Postby rossymcg » Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:27 pm

Monster man, would I be correct in saying the knock knee'dness is a direct result of lack of tipping?
I wish now I'd have took some footage when I focus on tipping on not getting forward.
I get a different sensation when focusing on tipping, if I focus on the tipping my turns become tighter and when I unweight the stance ski I get some catapulting action in to the next turn, while tipping I also feel my hips can come more inside the turn with my weight being directed through the stance ski, but none of the above is parrot like and I really have to focus on it.
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Re: MA please

Postby MonsterMan » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:04 am

Monster man, would I be correct in saying the knock knee'dness is a direct result of lack of tipping?


if I focus on the tipping my turns become tighter

Then may I again humbly suggest that you "focus on tipping"?

Slow it down, do the drills, video the drills, confirm drills are done correctly, look for SMIM, repeat...

Do this and you will become an expert skier. Anyone can!
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