MA request for deicreo

Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Max_501 » Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:17 am

deicreo wrote:Can I ask you to watch the following video

POV filmed from behind isn't very good for MA. Based on what I can see the flex is OK, but the video doesn't show a very clear view of the legs.

If you want better MA:

Max_501 wrote:Taking video for MA:

Stand about half way down the run. This depends on length of run and amount of terrain you can see. Generally I try to split the visible filming distance so I can get an equal number of turns from the front and back. Video at least 5 turns of the front, as the skier approaches, and then at least 5 turns from back, as the subject skis away. Pan smoothly as the subject passes keeping the skier in frame so we can see a side view. Use the zoom and OIS features if your camera has them. I suggest a max of 10x zoom which will help with image stability. If you need to exceed 10X zoom consider using a monopod.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby deicreo » Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:35 am

Last season I was working on the first and second book material. During first trip to alps this year, I was also focused on brushed turns.
Here are the videos. Comments will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby DougD » Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:25 am

I'm no expert so pay more attention to PMTS coaches if they post, but I see a bit too much up/down movement. You appear to be releasing at least partly by extension. PMTS teaches flexing to release.

Extending to release inhibits tipping, so it undermines the entire suite of PMTS movements.

For exercises that address this, see these HH videos:
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby deicreo » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:25 am

Doug D wrote:
...but I see a bit too much up/down movement. You appear to be releasing at least partly by extension

Yes I can see that too. This is what puzzles me. Thus I am not even sure if my turns happens by tipping. Steeper part reveals all the weaknesses in my technique, when I occasionally rotated.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby oggy » Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:17 pm

Those are some pretty sweet turns to my eyes! Round and patient, although you do seem to be hitting the edges ever so slightly late. It's a tough call, but I don't think you're really extending, at least not most of the time. You're getting some decent angles, and this puts your hips closer to the snow; unless you exaggerate the flexing motion (which will come in handy on steeper slopes and in short edge-locked carved turns!) the hips have to come up significantly. In the middle of the turn you're often displaying a slight O-frame, suggesting that at that point you are indeed tipping to turn.

The biggest problem I see is that you're losing your inside ski at the end of the turn; it goes flatter before the release, creating a slight wedge. You might be pushing off slightly to compensate. The cause might be that you stop tipping, but I get the impression that you're also losing your weight to the inside late in the turn. Try skiing the whole turn with the inside ski's tail off the snow, especially focusing on the finish. Another problem that I see is that you are slightly aft. For the slope in the video it's probably OK, but you'll need more pullback on the steeps.

Overall this looks like a huge improvement over the first videos you posted, congrats!
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby deicreo » Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:24 pm

Hi Oggy, thanks for the comment.
At the moment, when I am skiing I am almost solely focused on my inside foot. There is one wedge finish of the turn that I see but rest looks good. Inside foot tipping and close to the stance ski.
I am watching my vids many times to verify if there is a progress. In my view the biggest problem is not enough flexing for the turn at the transition or there might even be a push off.
So, instead lengthening of the stance leg after transition, through the turn there is nothing going on.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby DougD » Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:18 am

oggy wrote:... unless you exaggerate the flexing motion (which will come in handy on steeper slopes and in short edge-locked carved turns!) the hips have to come up significantly.

Can you show us a video of HH (or Diana, or any other PMTS coach) where the hips come up significantly? I've never seen one.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby DougD » Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:20 am

deicreo wrote:In my view the biggest problem is not enough flexing for the turn at the transition or there might even be a push off.


Again, I'd be interested in comments from more qualified PMTS eyes.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Max_501 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:56 am

Instead of looking at the hips look at the outside leg. If it gets longer, its extension. If it gets shorter, its flexion. Even 1mm of flexion is enough to release a turn. Keep in mind that we want to hold the flex during the edge change and then gradually extend the outside leg to maintain contact with the snow as the new turn develops. Many skiers extend too quickly at the top of the new turn.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby deicreo » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:03 pm

When I was performing these turns I did not even think about flexing as an issue. Feelings are really misleading.
These vids were taken in the last day of the trip. If I did this earlier I would address that FTR.
After Max guidance I would say that some turns are released properly, some are pushed and that the left leg is more stiff with that regard.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby oggy » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:37 am

deicreo wrote:At the moment, when I am skiing I am almost solely focused on my inside foot. There is one wedge finish of the turn that I see but rest looks good. Inside foot tipping and close to the stance ski.
I am watching my vids many times to verify if there is a progress. In my view the biggest problem is not enough flexing for the turn at the transition or there might even be a push off.

In the first video, there is definitely a wedge finish as you pass by the camera, and in turns 1 and possibly 3, although I'm not sure about 3. The fact that it happens in the first turn (where there's little centrifugal forces to help you balance) could hint that there's an issue there. In the second video it also appears that your counter balance is a bit deficient at the end of some turns. But anyway, this is already a reasonably high level of skiing, and I feel only borderline competent analyzing it. It could be that the main issue is indeed premature extension, but I can't quite tell. I mostly wanted to comment on the notion your hips rising, as I still believe your release is OK for the most part.

deicreo wrote:So, instead lengthening of the stance leg after transition, through the turn there is nothing going on.

If you're looking for higher edge angles, it's flexing and tipping that produce it, not lengthening the outside leg (it's possible to get pretty decent angles from a straight run). More flexing will get you onto the new edges more quickly.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby oggy » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:46 am

DougD wrote:Can you show us a video of HH (or Diana, or any other PMTS coach) where the hips come up significantly? I've never seen one.

Will the first few turns here do?

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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby cheesehead » Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:12 am

That's why Max said to look at the outside leg for extension -- specifically I think you can look at the knee flexion. On none of those turns is there extension of the knee on the release. The hips come up in the transition just due to momentum -- or something, -- it doesn't matter because there is no extension of the knee. It is sometimes difficult to see the flexion of the knee, but as Max said, a little knee flexion is all that is necessary and can be hard to see from a distance.

If you notice in the short turns at the bottom of the hill, the hips (and head) don't go up and down.
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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby Max_501 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:41 am

Oggy, we don't use hips rising as an indication of extension because the hips nearly always rise as the CoM moves across the skis. HH has explained this in detail before.

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Re: MA request for deicreo

Postby oggy » Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:58 am

My post was merely in response to Doug's question whether there existed a video of HH where his hips come up significantly during transition. I was not trying to imply that HH is extending (I know he isn't), so we're in agreement there. The original question was whether deicreo was extending to release his turns, my opinion was "no".
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