As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

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As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby ToddW » Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:40 pm

As the northern hemisphere season starts winding to a close, I find myself more grateful than ever for all that Harald has done to help recreational skiers. From micro-tweaking cuffs and footbeds to skiing with me while nursing a (skier-inflicted) injury, Harald has always gone the extra mile. Somehow, he finds time to contribute to this forum, his blog, twitter, and facebook too. One single post alone this winter -- the one on dorsiflexion -- was responsible for changes in many forum members' skiing.

Harald, thanks a million for all you've done for us recreational skiers. The season's not quite over yet, but I'm already looking forward to my next season as a PMTS skier :)
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby Doghouse » Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:16 pm

Very well said, Todd and I agree!
Thank you, Harald!
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby A.L.E » Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:18 am

Diana is a legend too.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby DougD » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:30 am

Hear! Hear!

I wasn't able to attend camp this year ( :( ) but the info in the books, videos and this forum kept my skiing improving.

BTW, here's a shout out to ToddW for what HE gives back. Todd skied with me a half day in December, generously sharing his drill time and great PMTS eyes. He helped me nail Super Phantom drills.

That session and Harald's dorsiflexion post a month or so later helped me FINALLY execute super-slow, linked TFR's. After first trying (and failing) at camp over a year ago, this was a major milestone. It would never have happened without great coaching (real and virtual) from Harald, Diana, Walter AND Todd.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby JMD » Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:33 am

Grateful Thanks to both Harald and Diana. Also two thumbs up to the shop staff of Walker and Becky.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby Robert0325 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:23 am

ToddW wrote:One single post alone this winter -- the one on dorsiflexion -- was responsible for changes in many forum members' skiing.

100% agree with that! Although I still don't fully understand the importance of lifting the inside ski tip or is that just a consequence of dorsiflexion?
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby Jeet » Wed Apr 12, 2017 7:07 am

I would like to say a huge thank you to Harald, Diana, Peter Z and Walter for great coaching and boot fitting at the Tux camp. This was my first camp and will not be my last. There was a big break through on the last day with Walter not just me but the rest of my group.

Hintertux was not only a great skiing and learning experience it was also fun, Harald Diana any my friend sharing some very funny jokes on the very last night :)

@ Robert. The tip lift has removed my extension and changed my timing, a game changing move in my skiing. It has also developed other movements such as counteracting having a longer long at the apex of the turn means I am not overly flexed an no longer get quad burn.

The link to the article ... r-all.html

Youtube video of Harald doing some tip lifting followed by a pull back

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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby skijim13 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 8:43 am

Thanks to the great work of all the coaches and three camps I am seeing an improvement in my skiing and more fun out of skiing. Thanks to PMTS I am able to understand the difference between PMTS and TSS skiing. If PMTS was not invented all we would be able to learn is from the TSS system.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby h.harb » Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:39 am

I found Todd's post today, thank you Todd, for your dedication. Smart people get it! Not so smart people struggle. Mislead people get frustrated or they lower their standards and make excuses.

I just posted on another thread about the quality of this forum and all the free information that is provided to anyone who has the desire to become an expert skier. Thanks Todd, for pointing out all the different ways to access PMTS for free.

We have built a great team over the years. Our team has the most dedicated instructors, technicians and coaches in skiing. Also, to those who are pursuing PMTS learning through accreditation as PMTS instructors; I am truly thankful to all of you for your dedication and hard work. PMTS accreditation sets a different and new standard of excellence, not before known for skiing.

There are few people on this planet that have the skills and the ability to do what Diana does.

As A.L.E. points out, she is not only a legend, but brilliant, in every regard. Her skiing is world class, her coaching is, if not the best, it's top 3 in the world, but I doubt anyone in the world can match her coaching. I'm talking about coaching any level right to World Cup. Just ask Crawford Pierce, a former US Ski Team coach for over 10 years and a Burke Mt coach for 10 years.

Our team has evolved the alignment to a level where it's the leader in skiing knowledge, in every respect. I am so excited to have produced a formula for alignment that encompasses everything we can control with boots, skis, and techniques, that others could learn and use. It's such a thrill to have people who are so well versed and engaged that they can contribute to the evolution of our alignment systems and methods.

Walker our shop technician and expert boot tech, is amazing. He gets it better than people who have been in the ski industry doing boot work for 50 years. Walker was working in the medical devices field, he's an engineer, a Medical Devices Professional. He's perfectly aware of skiing movement and how they relate to the biomechanics and alignment. He did this in two short seasons with us. This is his third season, and he's already better than any alignment and boot technician in the world.

When you see what we can do now with skier's alignment and skiing, from an indoor evaluation, at the Harb Ski Alignment Center, it's mind blowing. This team we have assembled and trained can now evolve the system, not just copy it. When you know something well enough, to continue to contribute, to an already well developed and successful program, and add to it's quality and success, that is the test of a true master. We are constantly evolving, getting better. Our "Think Tank" has depth, knowledge, experience and expertise.

We thank you for your support, following and dedication.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby oggy » Tue May 02, 2017 1:41 pm

Indeed. I've never met Harald or anyone at HSS for that matter, but what his books and videos have done for recreational skiers is amazing. They are still to this day the only coherent guide to good skiing that I know of, and have changed my skiing completely (yes, for the better, in case you're wondering :wink:). So thank you, Harald!

And apologies if I ever end up stealing your powder lines, but it's your own damn fault, if it wasn't for your instructional material, I'd be living a happy life on-piste...
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby h.harb » Wed May 03, 2017 11:16 am

Thank you for the comments Oggy!

BTW. Lifting the ski tip rather than the tail, gets the knee and leg out of the way for a faster transition. The leg and ski can tip more easily from a dori-flexed foot, because many co-contraction muscles are engaged with this approach. That's why the best skiers have found and use this method. PSIA however doesn't believe in lifting a ski in any way. It's part of the reason, they stay mediocre.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby skijim13 » Thu May 04, 2017 9:13 am

Harald and his team of coaches have done more for the skiing industry that improve a persons skiing than the national system of TTS ski instructors which greatly outnumbers their group. Sad that the general public is being ripped off by the big ski resorts with poor instruction, you would think they would realize to get more people to say with the sport you need to teach them better.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby skijim13 » Thu May 04, 2017 9:13 am

Harald and his team of coaches have done more for the skiing industry that improve a persons skiing than the national system of TTS ski instructors which greatly outnumbers their group. Sad that the general public is being ripped off by the big ski resorts with poor instruction, you would think they would realize to get more people to say with the sport you need to teach them better.
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby noobSkier » Thu May 04, 2017 5:27 pm

Harald, the very first time I saw a video of your skiing I knew right away that you actually experience the sport unlike almost anyone else. The flawless technique and the perfect balance in your movements almost succeeds in hiding what's really going are experiencing a level of skiing enjoyment that most people can't even imagine. Every time I ski or practice the drills, it's with the hope that someday i'll know what that feels like!

Thank-you for your dedication!
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Re: As season winds to a close, big thanks to Harald

Postby h.harb » Fri May 05, 2017 10:37 am

Thanks for the comments! That's why I'm here on this forum and why it got started, to inspire skiers to an understanding that transcends the restrictions national ski teaching organizations have perpetuated on their students.

Your comments are interesting, Diana said the same thing when she saw me doing a clinic at Winter Park, 25 years ago. She said, "I want to ski like that guy" She was already a Full Cert, in PSIA at that time. The rest is history. Now she does ski like that guy.
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