HI Maurice and all,
I believe what is being addressed is the crux of the PMTS transition....

well, if not the crux, at least a key and pretty difficult to execute move (part of the transition sequence)...because what needs to be changing is not only the weight, but ALSO the balance of the skier...and this is why this sequence of movements is so key and difficult to be fully understood, described and executed
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9Lureys7ZyY/UNEwUUvpd7I/AAAAAAAABkE/Ulkh6FsQPjk/s1600/Hirscher+Madonna+7.png regarding this amazing picture posted by HH in his blog, HH says: "(Photo above) With the sense that the turn is complete and the pressure is adequate on the outside ski, the revesre begins to happen for the release to the next turn. The outside leg now flexes and retracts aggressively. The inside arm and hand lead is increased to hold the LTE of the inside ski for transition, by holding counter-acting for the release. Retraction is so fast and aggressive that the old outside ski (stance ski) is lifted. "
This picture is part of the sequence of movements in the superphantom move, a well and extensively documented move in PMTS literature...what I find most interesting in this picture is that, IMHO I see the ANTI-PHANTOM (AP) MOVE

being performed as described in the Instructor Manual....just prior to performing the transition Super Phantom move....I am not sure this particular move (AP) is performed in each and every Superphantom sequence, if so, in most cases seems to me it is so subtle that can easily go unnoticed, but this specific AP move is described and prescribed in the Instructor Manual to help stabilize the uphil LTE in one-ski skiing (and I suppose, during transition) if my understanding is correct...in my own words, it is as if just prior to generating the well known O-shape of the phantom move, an A-shape (so to speak) AP is generated by extending the big toe of the old stance foot while retracting and releasing it....any thoughts? ...I hope my little contribution is not considered too convoluted, if it is, please let me know and I will delete it without hesitation