HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

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HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby h.harb » Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:19 pm

I get this question all the time: This one was from today. I know where this person learned to ski, was trained, and by whom, just by the way the question is asked.

"Harald, the question for you is, do you have pictures of how and where the hips are supposed to be placed? You could send them to me? I love to see them, thank you."

My response: S------h, It's not a matter of where, it's dynamic always moving, it's not one place if you know or have learned the right movements you can adjust your hips based on all needs, snow conditions, steepness, terrain, and type of turn. The misconception about skiing that has been perpetrated comes from PSIA and USSA coaching, and these concepts have been misleading skies, instructors, and coaches for decades.

There is no such thing as an "athletic position" either. Everything should be fluid, dynamic, and always moving. You can't learn that by focusing on one "position" If you try to do this you will be frustrated and never achieve dynamic or balanced skiing. The way to learn and apply fore/aft balance is through movements as with all the "Essentials" of Skiing." (Author: Harald R. Harb, published 2006) PSIA teaches positions, and PMTS teaches balance and dynamic skiing, there is a huge difference between these methods.
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Re: HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby tigernbr » Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:10 am

I've been thinking about ways to improve my balance in the off-season. I'm considering getting a slack line. Do you think that will help?
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Re: HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby jbotti » Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:54 am

Harald can respond when he gets a moment. If you go back 10 years or so on the forum there were quite a few posters that were regularly using a slack line with great success. Harald is a fan. Max501 was a very heavy user in the summer months, and was and is a big fan.

check out this thread:
Balance: Essential in skiing and in life!
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Re: HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby tigernbr » Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:48 am

Awesome! Thanks jbotti!
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Re: HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:14 pm

Just spotted this:


OMG - pure gold and exactly what I suffer with…DR spotted this in my skiing a few years back..

Sadly my time on the snow has dwindled to almost non-existent since 2019. However, it hasn’t stopped me ‘drilling’ the essentials every ski opportunity I get…when I manage get my hips stacked correctly - as if by magic, my ability do develop real angles becomes effortless…but until now, I couldn’t really visualise it….

Funny how I found this after watching HH’s recent YouTube interview…

I should add, that every time I come back to studying/ re-reading about pmts, I find something new…
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Re: HH posts about Fore/aft and athletic positions!

Postby blackthorn » Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:45 am

HH blog post led to a lightbulb moment for me. In the last weeks of the NZ season I really worked on eliminating early hip collapse to which I think I have always had a propensity. I feel huge dividends.
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