Harald's workouts

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Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:32 pm

Today I'm getting back into it after two weeks back east.

Easy Day

I-hour ride, fast pace, hilly
10 chin ups
30 push ups
20 reverse leg lifts
50 crunches
10 front leg lifts
40 military over head presses, 15 pounds wts
Bench press 16 reps

I lap on my climbing wall
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby patprof » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:52 pm

You're the man Harald! I get tired just reading this :D
"I can't dance and I can't fly-but when I ski I can sometimes do both!"
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby geoffda » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:06 am

Can you do an extra hour on your bike for me? I'm down with a cold and training is on hold for the moment... :(
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:37 pm

Keep in mind I am already very fit. This is not a beginner's or start up workout. I'll post this so skiers can see how you can perform, if you begin a long term commitment to your fitness.

This past may and June I began to lay the foundation for the training, with three weeks of riding, averaging 3 hours per day. In July I started to climb and supplemented that with indoor weight training, mostly upper body, but a lot of core and back. I'll put up some photos of my core training exercises, they are not the average gym exercises.

July and August were intense, with three days a week of hard climbing and a day or two of core exercises. I had to back off the biking or I would have killed myself.

Now I'm into my serious fall ski training. I have 5 weeks before I'm on snow and I can get a lot done to tune my body toward skiing. I have a head start over most people because I already have a good base conditioning program in place. Two weeks of hard short rides (some days 1 hour, other 2 hours) and then I begin weight training. Then three weeks of weights for my lower body, high reps and plyo type activity will be enough.

I'll get more specific as I get into the workouts.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby emakarios » Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:22 am

I have been using K's Body Shop alpine specific workouts for the last two years; Harald, this is Kelly Doyle, from MN; she is a trainer who ski races(and trains racers) and is a climber as well(she has climbing specific workouts as well). the alpine series has two offseason, two pre-season, then 1 in season series. I am now in the first of the pre-season (started first off season the first week of April). the pre-season workouts are more intense- supersets instead of a circuit. An example would be front squats with a weight bar, then hops to a squat, then back to the weight bar w/ squats. etc. I do these 2x/week. The workouts can be purchased on line inexpensively, if anyone is interested. Here's her website: http://www.ksbodyshop.com/

Other than that, I do a cardio 4x/week; swim and bike with some running thrown in. Once the weather is crummy I substitute an elliptical for the running/biking. On the elliptical, Kelly recommends 30 seconds of reverse with a deep squat every 3-5 minutes, which is a killer. I'm also on motorcycle tracks throwing a sport bike left and right 8 days/season. Do a couple of 5k run/races and a sprint triathalon during the summer as well. I'm 56 years old and deal with being stiff and slow to recover. I am now slower running a 5K race/mile than my marathon pace/mile 12 years ago! Go figure. I did figure out some years ago that long distance running made me pretty unflexible fore/aft and laterally, so i keep running to a minimum.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby DonDenver » Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:11 am

h.harb wrote:Today I'm getting back into it after two weeks back east.
Easy Day
I-hour ride, fast pace, hilly
10 chin ups
30 push ups
20 reverse leg lifts
50 crunches
10 front leg lifts
40 military over head presses, 15 pounds wts
Bench press 16 reps
I lap on my climbing wall

Please describe your “reverse leg lifts” and/or ‘front leg lifts” as when I read this my concern is either routine is launched in a seated position or otherwise on nautilus type equipment with both feet off the ground and load at ankle.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:43 am

Reverse leg lifts, are done from or off a bench, on your stomach. I use a Roman bench, so I can hold on to the part where you would normally hook your legs. Face down on the bench, hips on the edge of the cushion. Your legs hang down. Your hips are supported. You have to find the ideal position for your hips and it must be comfortable. If you are too far off the bench your back is too engaged. If you are too far forward, there is little benefit.

Lift your legs off the floor until level with the bench. Do reps until you feel your muscles working or until fatigue. This is a low intensity, lower back and glutes workout. If you have a sore back, this exercise strengthens where you need it, especially for skiing. I use a ten pound weight added to my feet, because it's too easy without it. If you start using this exercise, start without weights until you have conditioned the muscles for the activity. This is a very specific exercise for the lower back and if your back is not in good shape, you don't want to stress this area.

Front leg lifts I hang from a chin up bar, using elbow straps from the bar; this really helps, because they support your body. From here you hang. You can do many levels of difficulty, just knee lifts until thighs are level is a beginning. You can work up to straight leg lifts, raising your feet to touch the bar. No swinging of course, here I also use some weight because I'm getting stronger.

I'll post some video to demo this.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby arothafel » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:15 pm

How many sets of each?
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:46 pm

You can do as many leg lift sets as you like, it's hard to overwork your abs. I do three sets of ten, with 5lb weights. This also works you hip flexors, great for skiing. This is all about core stability. Keep the upper body from moving all over when standing on one ski.

The reverse leg lift, without weight, can be three sets, but reps can be low at first like 6 or 7. I do three sets of 20 with 10 pounds, but I've been doing them for years.

Yesterday Diana and I did a 1 hour uphill hike at a brisk pace. This is great for the Glutes, and cardio, walking back downhill engages the quads.
I still do a basic maintenance program for the upper body, like push ups, abs, dips, and curls on the hiking days.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby tburtonwire » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:21 am

My favorite workout for my core is the TRX by Fitness Anywhere. I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer who is additcted to skiing, both snow & water. My core has never been stronger since I started using the TRX about 1 year ago. You have to stabilize your core for every exercise using the TRX. Anyone from the beginning exeriser to pro athletes can get a good workout using this. Plus it is small and very portable, you can use it anywhere. I like to use the BOSU & kettlebells to mix it up & increase the difficulty of some exercises.

Check it out:
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby arothafel » Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:01 am

I hope we keep this thread going. It motivated a 2-hour workout, yesterday!

jbotti...my ankles are killing me!

So, what about the other half... what are people eating?
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:18 pm

Today I pushed my Mountain bike uphill for an hour, then rode home. Indoors I did a core workout.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby DonDenver » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:06 am

arothafel wrote:

So, what about the other half... what are people eating?

Okay; here's some diet and bonus suggestions:

Read every food label and treat your body better than your skis. Avoid shrink wrapped packaging, sealed bags, canned goods, boxed goods with windows. No additives…period. Food you eat must quickly rot if left out. Prepare your own food and don’t eat out. Use EVO. Minimize or eliminate flour, sugar and salt. Replace bread with pressed whole grains. Look for deeply colored unprocessed foods in their natural whole skin that you must first wash. No hormones added to your beef. No “farm raised” fish of any kind. Consume something critic each day. Toss out all supplements and only consume two items with food each day; a Centrum Silver daily multivitamin [no iron] and up to 6g of a well refined Omega 3 fish oil with a greater ratio of DHA: EPA…nothing but nothing else. Strive to eat less, eliminate alcohol and stop smoking. Exercise in whole body push/pull compound movement patterns of running, stopping, jumping and hanging. Learn Yoga and practice it religiously. Schedule yearly physicals and full blood work ups and make your doctor explain what each value means...and if s/he can’t clearly to your satisfaction or won’t...find another doctor. Get to a dentist and check for gum disease and/or bone-tissue loss and floss often. Do a Sudoko or such mind puzzle each day. Pray/meditate and sleep well. Finally, stop asking what you should be doing as you already know…just do it.
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:53 am

This reminds me of a joke:

Will I Live to see 80?

Here's something to think about.

I recently picked a new primary care doctor ..
After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. (I'm 62.)

A little concerned about that comment,
I couldn't resist asking him,
'Do you think I'll live to be 80?'

He asked, 'Do you drink beer or wine?'
'Oh no,' I replied. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!'

Then he asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs ?
'I said, 'Not much...
My former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!'

'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun,
like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?'
'No, I don't,' I said.

He asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars ,
or have a lot of sex?'
'No,' I said.

He looked at me and said,... '
Then, why do you even give a shit?'
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Re: Harald's workouts

Postby h.harb » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:01 am

And BTW, bad news, the latest studies show that people who drink alcohol live longer. Now, I'm not saying you should go out and start drinking, but you also don't have to freak out if you have a drink or two.
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