Hi Luke,
I'm not an expert so I will only point out things I could see:
1. Try ask the cameraman to film from a stationary position because moving shot is harder to analyze.
2. When you release, your skis separate which is a sign of lack of free foot management.
Turn 1:

Turn 2:

Turn 3:

This is a common problem. I spent a lot of time this season working on my free foot and developed a much strong free foot awareness and control. It no longer dangles there and go for a ride.
You can review the section about Free Foot Management in Book 2 as well as the Super Phantom move:
1. Draw the free foot to stance ski
2. Practice the sponge hold turn
3. Practice boot touch exercise (Lift free foot ski and touch free ski with stance boot; it is explained in one of Diana's videos)
4. Practice holding LTE on old free foot during release
I highly recommend you to dedicated some time just on focusing on your free foot. Your fore/aft, balance, and control will improve dramatically.