Accreditation Level - Yellow

The Yellow instructor has the ability to teach PMTS Direct Parallel from beginners to parallel skiers on green terrain, and to teach parallel skiing to wedge and wedge christie skiers. The yellow-level instructor understands Student Directed Ski Instruction, the PMTS teaching model, and is learning to apply the SDSI model in teaching.

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Accreditation Level - Green

The Green instructor has the ability to teach PMTS Direct Parallel from beginners to parallel skiers on green terrain. Achieving the green level is a noteworthy teaching level and requires more substantial capabilities than the PSIA level II certification. Achieving the Green level demonstrates the ability to teach not only Direct Parallel, but also to teach parallel skiing to wedge and wedge christie skiers. The ability to bring skiers to parallel in a few short lessons differentiates PMTS instructors from traditional instructors.

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Accreditation Level - Green Trainer

PMTS accredited instructors may understand PMTS Direct Parallel and biomechanics and teach at a higher level than they are able to ski. A green-level instructor who fits this description, is motivated to help other instructors, and is a strong demonstrator of green level movements may tryout to become a green level trainer. He/she will need to meet the black-level teaching and written exam standards, and the trainer standards, while working with green-level topics. welcomes and encourages all green-level instructors to pursue their trainer credentials.


Accreditation Level - Blue

The blue-level instructor has the capability to ski and teach skiers the fundamentals that produce competent parallel skiing on all blue terrain. Achieving the blue level demonstrates a competency level rarely achieved in ski instruction. It means you have the capability to distinguish between traditional skiing movements and PMTS’ biomechanically efficient movements. You are also capable of determining and fulfilling student motivation on an ongoing basis. This is the instructor I would want teaching in the ideal ski school. It is not appropriate to generate an equivalency to PSIA certification levels as the Blue Level has significantly different educational and performance requirements than those required to achieve PSIA Full or level III certification.

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Accreditation Level - Blue Trainer

Although many reasons such as physical limitations, injuries, conditioning or lack of access to black terrain may keep some aspiring blue-level instructors from reaching the black accreditation level, they are still the best trained and most knowledgeable instructors teaching ski lessons. A blue-level instructor’s movement analysis capability can become as expert as any trainer or instructor in PMTS.

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