
PMTS Forum


Postby *SCSA » Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:32 am

Good Morning!
It's a beautiful day here in Eagle county, hope it is wherever you are. :)

SCSA here, with a community service bulletin:

Yesterday down in Denver, 3700 women participated in the Danskin Triathlon. It's a womens only event -- most of the participants were cancer survivors. They're saying it's the largest one ever and it happened right here in Colorado. Way cool.

One women did the sidestroke because cancer fouled up her other side. There's about 3700 more, heart warming stories as well. So if you know anyone who went, give her a big ole "Way to go!"

This event if first class and Danskin has done a fantastic job of sponsoring it. Cheers to the women, cheers to Danskin.

Here's a link:,141 ... 38,00.html

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