Brushed carves and getting forward

PMTS Forum

Re: Brushed carves and getting forward

Postby Vailsteve » Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:16 pm

Noobskier...flexing to release IS important. Foot pullback may be even more important (but you really can’t separate the two...).

A couple of weeks ago I was skiing at A Basin and happened upon the Harb crew at camp. Diana caught me in mid-run and
yelled “pull your feet back!”

Dammit...always something!! But of course she was right. I have been maniacally focused on pulling my feet back on every turn and it’s paying dividends. Vail snow is simply not good at all so far...somewhat OK in the morning and very very hard later as the top snow gets skied off. Getting an edge on ice requires a strong foot pullback to stay centered.

Flexing to release, tipping, foot pullback, counter balance, counter need it all. Some day...(sigh).

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Re: Brushed carves and getting forward

Postby DougD » Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:30 pm

Vailsteve wrote: Getting an edge on ice requires a strong foot pullback to stay centered.

As a NE skier accustomed to icy conditions, the truth of this cannot be overstated. Letting your feet slide forward on ice sets you up for an uncontrolled slide that can lead to a painful and even dangerous fall.

Some time ago, ToddW reposted a brilliant description of PMTS skiing that Geoffda originally posted on Epic. Included in his description was the ability to maintain balance in changeable conditions that go from loose snow to scraped off hardpack - and back - without warning. When correct movements are used, Geoff wrote, the skier handles a sudden ice patch by simply allowing himself to be displaced laterally - with no change in movements or loss of balance.

I've experienced this quite often recently, since the base beneath the groomed surface at NE resorts is bulletproof due to the ongoing deep freeze. By using PMTS movements, including strong and constant foot pullback, there is NO loss of balance as one passes from soft snow to glare ice and back. Maintaining CA and CB whilst pulling the feet back lets one displace laterally with no balance disruption... it's a wonderful thing.
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