Carving in the Steeps

PMTS Forum

Postby Harald » Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:05 pm

Think of the figure 8 lying on its side. Now stretch the figure so it becomes slim. Those are the tracks left by the skis. It is slightly figurative, but you can acutally ski to form the figure. Not with PSIA technique.
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Postby Harald » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:09 pm

The figure 8 turn is done basically by carving the end of the arc, letting the skis move forward and uphill slightly, as the body crosses. Same as you are talking about here in your posts, just put your ideas and realizations together.

the CSIA folks were telling me to flex both of my legs during the last half of the turn rather than holding the pressure on that stance ski.

I think a few points HH made about releasing the stance ski at the same time as standing on the uphill ski. That this move would also move the CM into the new turn. Ok. Well, between that and the slo mo image of the WC guys..I somehow caught this groove of relaxing that stance leg at the same time that I stand on the uphill ski AND my CM moves across. Three actions at the same time.
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Postby dewdman42 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:31 pm

wow. That was a post from last season...ha ha..

When I was playing with this stuff last season, as I relaxed my stance leg to stand on the old inside CM literally FLEW across my skiis to the downhill side, or perhaps pendilum is a better word....but quite dramatically...enough to literally scare me the first few times until I grew confident that my stance ski was going to carve around and catch up with me. I was trying extra hard not to let them pivot. The question is, did i attempt to hold my skis on the old turn edges for as long as possible before my CM fell across the other side and there was no stopping the new turn from happening.

I guess that's what you mean? Don't try to roll onto the new edges too soon, especially the new stance ski. let the CM sail across, start tipping new inside ski which is quickly becoming very light, continue standing on the stance ski and it will take care of itself. It didn't really fell to me though like my skiis went uphill. But perhaps they do continue a small bit turning in that direction after the CM has already started moving into the new turn. Not really uphill per say...but I think I get what you mean.
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