Where's the weasels?

PMTS Forum

Where's the weasels?

Postby The Big Show -- SCSA » Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:57 pm

Rusty. You out there? What about Barnes. You there? hah ha hah.
Hey. What about all the other PMTS bashers? We're all here now, real easy to type to. :P

I just want to go make some turns with those that say PMTS doesn't work. :)
The Big Show -- SCSA

The Big Show

Postby jclayton2 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 12:53 pm

I am only a novice at this forum business but this looks like a good invitation for all those "P.M.T.S. Bashers" over at Epic Ski to put their money where their mouth is . I have been skiing for 16 years now and spent an awful lot of time trying to pick up a feeling for turns i.e. a sensation of flowing rather than fighting with terrain and equipment . If any of you windsurf you will remember the moment when you pull off the first water start , the movements suddenly click and are engraved in the muscle memory and it is just a matter of polishing them . I was making turns with gross upperbody movements not with the feet , I am reasonably athletic and so could cope quite well and could actually look O.K. but I could never get that "feeling for the snow" .

Four seasons ago in a Spanish resort "Baqueira" in the Pyrene?s I had the fortune to have some lessons from an ex - Spanish team racer . I had been looking for someone with Modern tecnique for my newly aquired X-Screams and he was recommended . After looking at me for a while he asked me to try to start the turn with my feet before anything else and I suddenly realized where I had been going wrong all these years . This and learning to "ride " the skis increased my enjoyment a thousandfold . However there were still many areas where I felt uncomfortable . I couldn't quite grasp the "feeling" of the body crossing over the skis during transition in balance and control.

An important point in what has now become a bit of a personal case study is how many instructors and books explain movements intellectually without giving clues or cues for these movements that can be physically absorbed . Haralds books ,for me ,are the first that manage this . A case in point is the "float" where the skis are flattened and the body is perpendicular to the slope at the precise mid-point of the transition . I have had lots of fun trying this on easy slopes , difficult ones and prolonging or shortening the sensation .

Also his trademark lightening and tipping the downhill ski and various phantom and super phantom moves allowed me to carve all the way around . Many people seem to take these and other moves in isolation and pick them apart . These drills are a means to an end which to me is what I have mentioned above i.e. "feelings" or "sensations" and something to build on personally. It's a shame so few instructors take the time to get to the bottom of things and make things possible to absorb instead of just going through the motions , especially considering the amount of money spent by skiers on their holidays ( a lot of people admittedly are happy just getting around )

As a footnote, after skiing in St Anton and Les Trois Valle?s, I was appalled by the general standard of instruction in countries which are powerhouses in the World Cup .



Postby The Big Show -- SCSA » Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:16 pm

The Big Show -- SCSA


Postby The Big Show -- SCSA » Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:48 pm

Here's the thing.

The weasels always want to come up with these convaluted examples. I mean, I could probably type up a cure for cancer -- in theory. But it's not going to mean a thang.

Same thing with the weasels. They come up with these long winded examples of why steering is good, or why a wide stance is good. Or in our case, why PMTS sucks.

But they never show up anywhere. I've asked all of them, to show up and prove their skills. Show me, why PMTS doesn't work. Show me, why your stuff is so much better. Show me your skills. But I can't get any of them to show up anywhere. The closest I've come is meeting them at Abasin last year. I'm sorry. Most of them dudes have been skiing for years. I ain't impressed. I met one of them at Copper and the guy told me, "Everything he taught you is all wrong." Meanwhile, I was right on his ass all day. He couldn't dump me -- I dumped him. He fell twice. But then he tells me everything I was taught is wrong. He's been skiing for years --it was my 3rd year. He was pissed and just couldn't believe that I could stay behind him. Instead of a compliment he tells me everything I know is wrong. What a sore loser.

Those weasels are heavy on opinions, but light on skills. Just because someone can type, don't make them an expert in anything but typing. And until I see some skills from them, that's all they are -- experts in typing.

And that's my not so humble opinion.
The Big Show -- SCSA

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