Harb Technical Improvement and Racing Camp @ Mt. Hood 2004

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Harb Technical Improvement and Racing Camp @ Mt. Hood 2004

Postby Margi and Bob » Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:02 pm

This camp was conducted at Timberline at Mt. Hood June 10 - 13.
Content of course: Seemed to be aimed at technical improvement with some course running (slalom and giant slalom). Since I believe that technical improvement (aimed at teaching carving skills) is the sine qua non of learning to ski courses faster, it seemed to us that the emphasis was correctly placed.
Lifts: Two high speed lifts in line. The Magic Mile and the Palmer lifts
Campers: Good and fit skiers all, and keen to learn new skills. 14 total.
Snow and Weather: Hard to compact snow. Some clouds with mostly clear weather for three days on the upper Palmer snowfield. Windy, cold!
Our instructors, Harald Harb and Diana Rogers, gave each camper copious feedback on each run, as well as numerous skiing demos both in and out of the course. What we witnessed during these days was the best free skiing and course running we have ever seen in our lives. We saw them ski in a camp in 2002, but what we saw here was that their skiing has moved to a sigfificantly higher level. I have never seen a coach, instructor, or compeditor lay down clean tracks on the Palmer like these. The "High C" turn is not just talk, it is real. Harald and Diana have definitely raised the bar. I will be happy to carry the image of these turns in my mind's eye for a long time. I don't think I ever had a better time in my life.
Margi and Bob

Postby *SCSA » Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:50 am

Hi Margi and Bob,
Cool stuff. Glad to see you both are card carrying members of this little thang called PMTS. It's neato, eh? :)

You going to be in CO this year? If so, drop a line. I'll have my informal weekly gatherings going on.

Be cool,

Thanks SCSA

Postby ralbrech » Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:52 am

Thanks SCSA. We may not make it to Colorado next season, unfortunately. But we hang out at Sun Valley all winter. If you should get out this way, call us. We could make some turnz. We are in the Ketchum ID phone book. We are always glad to see some of the faithful. This is a PMTS waste land.
Cheers, Robert Albrecht

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