Fellow PMTSians

PMTS Forum

Fellow PMTSians

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Dec 22, 2003 8:58 am

One really great thing about PMTS is that we can learn from each other -- students can learn from other students.

Hmm. Is PMTS the Linnux (sp??) of skiing? 8)

Anyway, if any of you find yourselves in Eagle County skiing either Vail or Beaver Creek this winter, drop me a line. I'd love to meet up and share some PMTS notes. Perhaps you can spot some things I could be working on and vice versa. Since we all use the same lingo, learning is so easy!

I know in my case, I've been told that I'm a great coach and motivator, but a lousy teacher. :wink:

So if any PMTSians are in the Vail/BC area, and you want to share some notes and cammaderie, drop me a line, I'd love to meet ya. I'm not sure if email notification is working or not, so if I don't answer, maybe drop a post or something?

Be cool, I'll talk to you soon,

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