Just got my ACBAES Book 1/2 DVDs and WOW!!

PMTS Forum

Just got my ACBAES Book 1/2 DVDs and WOW!!

Postby Radiater » Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:25 am

Many thanks to Mr. Harb for this tremendous information. I just started reading the ACBAES Book 1 yesterday after receiving it Friday night. I have been skiing for 4 years about 2 weeks total per year. This book and information just ties so many things together. The drills make so much sense to me in terms of learning the movements and the purpose of shaped skis and how to use them. Wish I had found PMTS sooner.

Already started doing the balancing exercises at home on my ski boots yesterday and I have already notice that I am putting much more weight on my forefoot. Ironically I put so much more force on my boot cuffs last night doing the tipping/balancing exercises than I have noticed before. The strange thing is that I wasn't really trying to just focus on putting pressure on the cuffs it just happened as a result of the balance drill. I am hoping for a few more days on the snow week after next to apply what I am learning to my skiing.

Thank you Mr. Harb, Ms. Rogers and the PMTS experts here!!!
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