Hidden gem in the cancelled 2nd GS run from Semmering

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Hidden gem in the cancelled 2nd GS run from Semmering

Postby HighAngles » Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:35 am

For those of you who have access to the Peacock "raw" race footage...

When they finally made the 2nd GS run in Semmering available for replay I was disappointed to find that the race was cancelled due to high wind. It was a bit entertaining watching folks trying to keep everything on the mountain from blowing away. Luckily I left the replay going and was surprised to find a "hidden gem" starting at about the 45 minute mark into the broadcast. They decided to replay the leaders 1st runs, but this time with some fantastic extended slow-motion video for multiple sections of each racer's run. Michaela's run is at the 54 minute mark.

Watching this GS racing in high quality on the big screen with super smooth slow-motion playback is quite educational. You can really see the PMTS fundamentals in action in many of these racers. Good stuff.
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Re: Hidden gem in the cancelled 2nd GS run from Semmering

Postby jbotti » Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:29 pm

I watched the first run which is available on Peacock. I guess I had time yesterday because I decided to watch all 62+ skiers who ran in the first run. Wow, you really see some challenged racing past the 35 or so start point in a WC race. Its available every race if you want to watch. It does make you appreciate the skiing of the top 10 a lot more when you see so many sliding, skidding and flailing.
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Re: Hidden gem in the cancelled 2nd GS run from Semmering

Postby h.harb » Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:10 pm

I've been watching the women all the way back to number 60. The times from 5th to 6th often drop by .7 of a second and only gets worse from there. The alignment and boot issues from about 6th place down are horrendous. The Dalbello, and Salomon setups are the worst. Head isn't far behind. Fischer is all over the map, and Rossi boot setups are the best. Atomic is probably second.

In the men, they are strong enough that sometimes even a bad setup can be overcome by brute force, but here is the rundown. On hard snow, ice, or injected, Atomics rule. Fischer is close but again as in the women they are all over the map some of their skiers look good, but others are terrible. Ryding has really improved on Fischer. Yule is a technical disaster but he fights like hell. Noel's left leg is a mess, that's why he can't put two runs together. Rossi in ruts and softer snow has no equal. Head's boot set up for slalom is a disaster. One guy on Dalbello Sollbag can manage.
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