MA if you can

MA if you can

Postby acali » Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:42 pm

So I've been going through the essentials book and have come up with this:

Later I swallowed my pride and tried the hip-o-meter thing and realized I was not countering nearly enough.
Obviously I'm not quite there yet, but I'm open to any and all advice.

Bonus question, why did I fall at the end? This happens every once in a while since I started adding a little counter to my skiing.

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Re: MA if you can

Postby HighAngles » Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:56 am

I'm new to all this, but I'll take a stab until some other more senior forum members chime in.

I believe that you are getting your edge angles mostly through inclination and not much tipping. This of course is committing your body to the inside of the turn instead balancing over your stance leg. Thus any change in the terrain that you aren't anticipating easily knocks you out of "balance" (I'm using that term loosely in regards to your body position) and you end up on your butt. I speak from experience because I've been there, done that. I know this problem well.

Of course, there are lots of other improvements in CA, CB, hand position, etc. that I think you're already aware of. I think the real key for you is to go back to the first essential and really work on the tipping drills so that you're achieving your edge angles through lower body movements and not inclining/banking your turns.
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Re: MA if you can

Postby acali » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:31 am

I guess one problem I have with the tipping exercises is that I suspect I'm not really feeling what I should.
I can see around on one ski (at a time) all day and play with the free foot, pulling it back, attempting to tip it, I don't think I've really GOT it.
On a flat run I can feel how tipping one foot will put the other the other one on edge but I'm pretty sure that there is a sensation that I'm not feeling.
Last time out I tried more garlands and 1 foot release drills but I can't get over the idea that I'm not tipping hard enough or I'm probably cheating some how.
Any ideas on something I could try to REALLY go, "ok that IS tipping!"
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Re: MA if you can

Postby jclayton » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:00 pm

Try tipping more and more AND MORE , so that as you are about to release into the next turn you are at absolute maximum tipping angles .

Stationary tipping exercise also to get it started . ESSENTIALS !!!

Feel the ankle pressure the boot sidewall .

Finally , it takes time , enjoy the trip .

As for leaning and falling , well , I lose concentration on the odd occasion and it still happens ! Arrgh !
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Re: MA if you can

Postby leopold_bloom » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:02 pm

Hello acali,

I think I'm seeing the same thing as HighAngles--the images are small.

There appears to be a serious tipping deficit.

I will offer a couple of suggestions. You can address the issue through drills but I'll also give you an idea that you can apply in your turns as well.

At the end of the turn your hips are inside your skis as one would expect. In transition your body moves across your skis. There is a point where your feet are directly under your body. This is where you give up on the tipping and you let your feet slide laterally to the outside.

Focus on tipping your feet when your feet are under your body. This is not a big gross movement. It's subtle but effective. It doesn't take much edge angle to get things started, but if you don't start here at this point in the turn with little angles, you will be prevented from getting bigger angles later.

You will discover that to tip effectively you will need to tip early and you will need to counter tip your hips early as well.

In the drill context, if you're tipping doesn't seem to be going anywhere you may have fore/aft balance problem. If you aren't balanced on your skis (typically people are too far back) they won't engage. Big angles have to be supported by counter and also by the centrifugal force that engagement creates. You need both to get there. No engagement means no force and you can try to counter all you want but you will get limited results.

One more thought. Tipping is a subtle thing. I practise tipping every day and have been for years.

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Re: MA if you can

Postby carver_hk » Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:15 pm

Let me make a guess. Hope that experts would comment on my guess. :)
It looks like you did a mini-hockey stop before you release into the falling turn. The mini-hockey stop kills all your momentum toward the new turn. So before you can balance on the new stance ski you lost balance to the inside skis and became back seat. The two combined kept you from tipping and since your stance is good PMTS narrow stance there are no safe leg to save you from falling.
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Re: MA if you can

Postby MonsterMan » Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:40 pm

since your stance is good PMTS narrow stance there are no safe leg to save you from falling.

what are you talking about?

I see a good functional stance that allows balance. Where do I get one of these "safe legs"? Do they plug into the hip like an outrigger? Will I need one on each side? two more boots?

Crikey, he hit a bit of soft snow, lost momentum and fell to the inside. I'd rather do that than ski like a gorilla with a tender crutch.
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Re: MA if you can

Postby carver_hk » Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:59 pm

I bet you got me wrong. I didn't ask him to widen his stance. This is PMTS. Everything sticks to PMTS of-course. I merely trying to be funny. Sorry for the confusion. :D
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Re: MA if you can

Postby cheesehead » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:14 pm

The fall looks like a variation of what I was talking about in a recent discussion about one-footed releases. You don't want to swing your rear-end inside the arc before you have completed tipping. In that discussion, Harald said that doing so will catch your inside edge of the old stance foot and pull you down.
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