GoPro camera for MA...?

GoPro camera for MA...?

Postby tommy » Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:53 pm

Hi folks,

it's been a while since I posted here... in fact, it's been a while since I was skiing at all, like 4-5 years... :-(

Anyways: the other day my daughter (who's a dreaded snowboarder...! :-) persuaded me to join her for a day trip to a slope. I brought my GoPro camera with me, intention being to capture her snowboarding. So, I was wearing the Gopro cam chest mounted, and my daughter was doing some great arcs in front of me. However, by accident, I had managed to tilt the camera way too much down, so instead of filming my daughter on her snowboard, the camera captured my feet and skis...

However, after watching the clip a few times, I thought it might be interesting to put it in slow motion, to see if it could reveal all the ugly faults in my own skiing... And yes, having the GoPro accidentally tilted way down towards my feet and skis IMO clearly demonstrates lots of things to improve.

You can have a look at the film and determine for yourself if this type of camera angle could be handy for serious MA...?


PS: oh, btw, in case anyone wants to perform a MA based on the film... go for it, you are most welcome to rip my skiing apart...!:-)
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Re: GoPro camera for MA...?

Postby HeluvaSkier » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:22 pm

I can't really MA that, but if I had to guess, I'd say pull your freaking feet back once in awhile (seriously, they are going to ski the run without you if you aren't careful) and counterbalance. :wink:

Angles look good, but hard to see how you're creating them.

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Re: GoPro camera for MA...?

Postby Max_501 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:56 pm

The video shows a slight wedge because you don't release the outside ski before you start to move/push the inside ski.
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Re: GoPro camera for MA...?

Postby tommy » Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:54 am

Helluva & Max,

thanks. fully agree with your observations, match my own views completely: below my own comment (to a friend) after I watched the film:

"full of beginner level mistakes: undefined transitions, tendency to A-frame, tip lead, lack of angles, no counter, .... argh!"

But the (to me) interesting thing was the fact that the "faulty" camera angle really made it easy to see these problems. If I manage to "get serious" about my skiing again sometime in the future, I will probably peruse this finding to analyze my technique.

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