Jeet - Video MA

Jeet - Video MA

Postby Jeet » Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:33 pm

Hi Guys,

Please can you give me technical feedback on my skiing here. There is an alignment problem I am knock-kneed.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby DougD » Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:14 am


In your previous thread you committed to addressing significant alignment issues by getting PMTS-suitable:
1. Footbeds
2. Boots
3. Canting

Until this is done, your ability to ski using PMTS movements is compromised. Given your known alignment issues (plus others you may be unaware of), attempting to learn PMTS movements on snow before the above steps are completed is putting the cart before the horse.

Until the above are resolved, I'd recommend mastering the non-skiing exercises in ACBAES 1, beginning on page 1 and proceeding in order (as best you can).

With regard to your video, it's difficult to say much because the video is not zoomed in close enough. Also, you should have kept skiing past the camera for at least 4-5 turns. Max_501 has posted good guidelines for taking MA-useful video. Try to find those (or perhaps he'll comment).

With regard to your skiing, the last turn (beginning around 0:32-33) shows an outward stem of the new stance ski before the new free ski is lifted or tipped. This is not PMTS skiing. The free ski tail lift is good when it comes but the movements are in the wrong sequence. Again, start with ACBAES1, page 1...
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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby cheesehead » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:27 pm

On the other hand the turn just before the last one looked pretty good. It would be nice if you could find a hill a little less steep to work on this
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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby Max_501 » Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:33 pm

cheesehead wrote:On the other hand the turn just before the last one looked pretty good.

The last turn also started with a stem.
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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby DougD » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:17 am

I tried going through the last 4 turns frame-by-frame. While the distance of the skier makes analysis uncertain, it appears that turns to the left (stance ski = R) commence with a stem, while turns to the right (stance ski = L) commence with a nearly parallel heel push. Neither of these is PMTS skiing of course. The difference between one side and the other may be due to inequalities in foot motion and/or leg alignment.

To illustrate the importance of proper alignment...
I skied for 30 years without one. My boots provide an excellent stance and fit. My footbeds are good. My natural alignment is more neutral than yours. Nevertheless, turns on my R stance ski were always less stable than turns on my L stance ski. My R ski chattered on steep ice, my L ski never did. In bumps, I hesitated when commencing a turn on my R ski, yet began turns on my L ski with confidence.

I put this down to poor technique. I was wrong.

When I finally got checked by Diana, she canted my R boot sole by 1.5 degrees (L leg needs no adjustment). This is a small change compared to many skiers, you'll almost certainly need more, but the on-snow improvement was instantaneous and huge. For the first time ever, my R ski is as stable as my L. For the first time ever, I can do Super Phantoms equally in both directions (some would say equally badly, :wink: ).

P.S. There's little free foot tipping in any of these turns. This is critical for PMTS skiing. You must tip your free foot foot toward the LTE from the beginning of the turn and keep tipping it throughout the turn. Again, ACBAES 1, page 1...
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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:18 pm

Alignment aside - although it is a big handicap fo you, your movements are still firmly planted in aTTS system. Don't be dismayed, this is common when embarking on the PMTS journey, especially if a: your alignment is way out and b: you are trying to apply PMTS'y' type movements ontop of your current skiing....

As an example, there is no foot tipping in either direction - you are just lifting up one ski. There is no flexing to release (FTR) as evident by your stem entry to the turn. Although you are transferring balanace, as proved by lifting the inside ski, you are not Counter Balancing (CB) or Counter Acting(CA) over this ski thoughout the entirety of the turn. Your upper body is following the direction of the skis - look at the direction you are facing at the end of each turn. Your little wobble at the end of the video is a clear indication of not being in balance..

Do you have 'Anyone Can Be An Expert Skier 1?' You need to take your skiing all the way back to the beginning. Start at page 1 and work throuh each exercise. Your speed of progress will be determined by how diligently you practice each exercise. It is the ONLY way. If you are prepared to put in the work, your skiing will reach levels not previously thought possible..if you have a problem with an exercise, post some video and ask some of the coaches to take a look at it for you...
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Re: Jeet - Video MA

Postby Jeet » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:12 pm

Thanks for all the feedback. I will go back to start of Anyone Can Be An Expert Skier 1 and take it from there, just downloaded it from Amazon. I'll be posting another vid in the near future.
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