Help picking the right ski.

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Help picking the right ski.

Postby WIski » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:00 pm

Need advice on equipment. Limited selection and no chance for demos. 47 yo. male, 5' 10". 190 lbs., ski WI & midwest groomed, Intermediate/Advanced? - old school parrallel and slalom unless real steep or real icy, blues and not too steep blacks, like a little bumps now and then.


Head iXRC 800 ('06)
Head iXRC 500 ('07)
Head iXRC 300 ('07)

Rossignol Zenith Z3 ("06)
Rossignol Actys 300 ('07)

Blizzard IQON 7200 Classic ("07)
Blizzard CMX 10 IQ ('07)
Blizzard IQON 7400 Classic ('07)

K2 Apache Crossfire ('06)

1st, 2nd, 3rd Choice? and what length?

Thank you.
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Postby WIski » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:46 pm

The silence is deafening. I bought a pair of skis. Appreciate the input. Was thinking of getting the PMTS books and taking some the PMTS lessons. Now I'm rethinking.
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Postby SrMike » Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:21 am

In your list of skis, the XRC800 is probably the best choice. The length would depend on your size and ability. A 6' 200lb intermediate would ski a 177. You never did mention your height, weight and ability.

The best skis for learning PMTS are narrow waisted skis with a tight turning radius, under 14m.

Don't know why no one got back to you. It was a weekend and I was skiing and watching the Super Bowl.
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Postby WIski » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:18 am

Thank you for your reply. I did mention the following, unless it didn't show up to others looking at the post.

47 yo. male, 5' 10". 190 lbs., ski WI & midwest groomed, Intermediate/Advanced? - old school parrallel and slalom unless real steep or real icy, blues and not too steep blacks, like a little bumps now and then.

I ended up getting the XRC 800 in a 170. The choices were 163 and 170. I struggled with which length to get.
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Postby SrMike » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:50 am

OK - I see you did post the your specs.

The 170 is probably the better choice for you. I have skied that ski in a 177 and I think I would like the 184 even better. However, I'm a little taller and I weigh a lot more.

I think you'll find it's a good ski to learn PMTS with. I suggest getting a hold of Anyone Can be an Expert Skier 1 and 2 and start working through the drills from the beginning. (I found the books in the local library first before adding them to my personal library.) I also suggest getting Essentials of Skiing too.

Like you, I was very profiecient at Old School Technique. I didn't ski for 15 years, missed the shaped ski revolution and I am learning all over again. I really like all the things I have learned to do on skis now, but I will tell you that I work very hard on improving my transitions. Learning to flex to release and getting rid of the old school up move has been my biggest hurdle so far. I'm getting better at it though.

Work on the drills, shoot some video, find a PMTS instructor and take a lesson, if you are going to CO, make an appointment at HSS and get your boots aligned, if you get a chance to go a camp.

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Postby Billy Dee NJ » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:46 am

WIski wrote:I ended up getting the XRC 800 in a 170. The choices were 163 and 170. I struggled with which length to get.

Makes sense to me WIski....a year ago I bought the XRC 800's in a 163. I'm 5'8" and 180 lbs, a solid intermediate skier.
I think they're perfect for learning PMTS which I am in the process of.

Welcome to the board!
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Postby WIski » Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:33 pm

Thank you. I'll pick up that book to start. I got the '05-'06 XRC 800 models so their narrower at the waist than the '06-'07 model. I believe they are 66 at the waist.

Anyone know what the difference between the "Metal Jacket" in the '05-'06 model and the liquid metal in the'06-'07 model is? Is it an actual change in technology or did they just give it a fancier name this year?
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Postby Hacski » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:27 pm


I only noticed your post after I got back from doing a week camp at Fernie. I noticed one of your options was the Blizzard CMX 10 IQ and even though you now have your skis it was interesting that you had these as an option as they are not a well known brand although I see another reference to Blizzard on a more recent post. I have posted a review of my experience with them at
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Blizzard skis

Postby WIski » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:25 am

I like you was introduced to Blizzard skis by one of two local shops. Neither of which had a wide selection - Atomic low to mid range, Volkl & a few Dynastar, the second shop had Blizzard, Atomic mid range, and Volkl. The Atomic and Volkl reps must be busy in our town.

I think this shop was heavy into Blizzard - one of my hesitations. The other was that the reviews for the CMX 10 weren't great, the IQON 72 was wider than I wanted since I need to work on carving turns. I'm old school and hadn't skied in 10 years. I tend to drive the tips and muscle turns. Last hesitation was just lack of brand name recognition.

So I went with the safe pick according to this forum and reviews.

I've skied the XRC 800s about 12 times and will be skiing again tonight with my family. I've loved them. In fact they're so much fun, you can hardly bring yourself to stop skiing. Maybe it's just that it's my first time on shaped skis. Although, I used a few rental shaped skis before this purchase, and those were nothing to chear about.

Armed with these high quality shaped skis and a little reading from Harold Harbs books, I'm finally able to let the skis do the work. What a joy. I can't tell you how I look, but it finally feels like I'm floating down the hill. Unfortunately, we have hills here in the mid-west not mountains.

My first impressions of these skis and of Head as a brand are two thumbs up. There both the smoothest ride I've ever felt (no chatter, no jumpiness) and at the same time the liveliest (these skis move). The reviews talk about a speed limit on this ski. I'm sure there is, but I haven't hit it. I'm no mad bomber, but I've gone fast enough that the ski patrol suggested I act my age. Two other slight weaknesses the reviews mentioned were short turns (I've had not trouble) and edge grip was a 4 out of 5. I've found that rating accurate. Although, as the ski has helped me learn to turn better, the grip has improved to where I'm not slipping.

I'm not a good enough or experienced enough skier to give a detailed technical review that would be valuable to others. But if any true intermediates or sligtly advanced intermediates are considering a Head ski or specifically the XRC 800, I'd whole heartedly recommend them.

Thanks to everyone who helped me pick this out. I've been so busy skiing them, I haven't logged back in to say thank you.
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