Pimp your Head, VIST plate!

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Pimp your Head, VIST plate!

Postby tdk6 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:43 am

Two years back I bought a pair of 177cm Head iRace for club GS racing. They are more or less the same ski as the yellow cross ski with a turn radius of about 16m. The ski construction is vertical sidewall sandwich but since they are not real racing skis they have a plastic plate on them called cp13. Since I did not like the ski at all and I had an old VIST racing plate extra I swapped the cp13 for the VIST. At the same time I mounted it forward of the skis centermark with something like 40mm according to the BallOfFoot consept.

You cannot believe what a difference that mod made to the ski and to my skiing. I was able to pressure my ski tips like never before and the skis arced beautifully and without any hint of drifting into an unintentional skidd. The biggest change was in how rigid they felt. Solid as steel. When the plate moved forward the front part of the ski became shorter and did not flap as much as before. Insted it bent into an arc really nicely and the longer tail kept it on track. I reccomend you try this mod if you want to pimp your ride.
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