first ski purchase

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first ski purchase

Postby aclarke » Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:16 am


I'm aware that the site is predominantly our friends in the U.S but I'm hoping that you can help me with ski selection for European conditions (hoping to go to the states next year).

I've skied for 4 weeks over the past couple of years and will be going again in March. I'm looking to purchase my first skiis prior to then and could do with some advice. I'm 5'10 about 185lb athletically built.

In the past I've been happy to zip about on reds and groomed blacks racing my friends(occasionally zipping off piste) but I want to get rid of the skids technique and learn carving asap. Towards the end of my last trip I decided to try and found the edges fairly quickly,it was a different experience,v. strange,but I had to leave for home. Now I want to learn and will take some carving lessons.

What ski should I purchase?? I want something for 80% on piste carving on hard pack and powder and 20% for a quick blast off piste.

I've been looking at:

Atomic Metron m10
Atomic Izors 9.7 and 7.5 (atomics easy to get hold of in uk)
Atomic sx9 and sx10
Head Monster IM 72

Are these suitable for my level? should I look at something else? also what lengths should I look at? Whenever I go people appear to be skiing on shorter and shorter skiis! I'm told it's easier to carve on shorter skiis, is this correct? should I go for 160's instead of 168's/170's if this is the case,is there a compromise?

Thanks for your help.

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Postby JohnMoore » Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:40 am

Going from what others have said in various threads recently, I think a good recommendation would be the Head XRC800, which is narrow-waisted enough to help you learn PMTS carving technique quickly but still with good enough flotation to keep you out of trouble in the 20% of the time you spend in the off-piste. Another suggestion would likely be the Head Monster 70 or 72 if you are wanting to favour the off-piste a little more.

I very rarely see the kind of deep powder here in Europe that some of the US and Canadian resorts get, so the fatter skiers seem to me to be a little redundant here.
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Postby aclarke » Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:09 am

Ok will look at. What about the size issue? is it easier to carve with shorter skis? is there a compromise? what is the ideal size for my weight/height?
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Postby JohnMoore » Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:17 am

Once again, wait for responses from those who know more than I do, as I am only summarizing what I've learned from others here, but anyway:

I reckon that 170cm for you would be fine. I'm an inch taller than you but 40lb lighter (skinny runner type!), and I ski on 170cm skis. My next skis will be 160cm, but I get away with 170cm now, and if I were 40lb heavier, I don't think I'd be planning to go shorter.
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Postby JohnMoore » Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:20 am

I forgot to say that most recommendations you get here will probably be for Head skis, as it seems the favoured ski brand of the PMTS community. Harald Harb has been recommending them for the last couple of years, although I think he reckons Nordica have a good line now as well. Look at the thread "Are my skis holding me back?" for some model recommendations (and try not to get too put off by the rather heated nature of the debate!).
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Postby Max_501 » Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:44 am

aclarke wrote:Ok will look at. What about the size issue? is it easier to carve with shorter skis? is there a compromise? what is the ideal size for my weight/height?

Much easier to learn to carve with shorter skis. The problem is we don't know your current skiing level so suggesting length is tough. Demoing can help you get a size that you will be happy with.

I'm 165lbs and an advanced skier. Here are my skis:

Head iSL Chip: 160cm (slalom ski)
Atomic Metron B5: 162cm (this is a short and wide ski)
Atomic SL9: 170cm (long slalom for all mountain my rock skis...I learned to carve on these).

Shorter is easier to carve but you sacrafice a bit in high speed stability especially when the snow is choppy or cruddy.
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Postby JohnMoore » Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:56 am

Of course, forgot to mention the celebrated Head Supershapes!
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Postby aclarke » Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:18 am

Thanks guys.
I've since been looking at a set of Head IXRC 800 super railflex in a 163 and the Head supershapes 160 or 165, head seem to do more sizes and appear to be the favoured ski.....certainly on this site!

Max, I've had 4 weeks (3 valleys) in the last two years, I can ski any red I've come across and the blacks I've attempted (in a fashion) have not been a problem, although I tend to prefer reds and cruising long blues. As I've said in the past I've just been keeping up with friends (experienced 20 year skiers) who can carve to their hearts content and who seem to use short race type skiis. It's time to learn the craft and wave goodbye to the skids.I'm starting to realise that whilst there are one ski fits all options it is best to have two or three sets for each circumstance,however at the moment I've got to stick to one, 80% (for carving) on and 20% off for a blast!
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