3 Best GS Skiers in The World, at Alta Badia!

3 Best GS Skiers in The World, at Alta Badia!

Postby jbotti » Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:08 pm

They finished 1,2,3 in today's GS at Alta Badia. I think it's still clear when Ted skis his best he is still the fastest GS skier in the world but the last two races have produced a little chink in the armor. Watching these three guys drive each other is amazing!! Pinterault may end up being the best of the three when he matures.
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Re: 3 Best Skiers in The World

Postby h.harb » Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:28 pm

It's clear that the field is catching up to Ligety, no one had a clean run, Hirscher had a huge mistake, almost went down, Ligety made two smaller ones. Ted is leaning into the inside ski too soon in the arcs, like he does in slalom. Hirscher is more over the outside ski with this counter balance, before the falline. Training, and running Downhill and Super G, as I said earlier in the season, will not help Ted get results in the technical events.

Other observations, Hirscher's arcs were much tighter around the gates and he brought energy with the arcs for the release. Others were slipping and losing the outside ski. Also, many were separating their feet too far vertically , the inside foot too far away from the outside foot. You can do that if you have grip and can hold, if you can build more pressure at the end to tighten the radius. In this case, the outside legs was getting really long and the ski was not coming back in the bottom of the arc to tighten the radius. Lots of guys were losing the bottom of the turn due to this, TEd was one of them. Hirscher kept his inside tipping foot closer and stayed on the outside ski until it bend back. It looks like Atomic has finally brought him a ski that holds and is soft enough to bend into an arc.

I watched it once so far, but with more review new things will appear. Another observation, however, if you go back and review the footage, you will see that many are losing CA and CB as the turn gets across the falline, Hirscher increased both on his turns. Pinterault also did well with his aspect of technique or holding good technique. Pinterault had the least errors, most consistent run, but slightly slower. Right now Hirscher brings the most speed and most consistency, could win his 3rd overall World Cup in a row, not too many skiers have done that, while setting records for number of podium visits. He's the only skier who has a chance to even come close to Stenmark, if he stays healthy. Final thought, notice Benni is getting better in GS, 7th place. He's the only other Atomic guy, so Atomic has figured something out for their GS and slalom skis this year. Even with a 15% improvement in the ski's performance over last year is a hug improvement in results for Hirscher and Raich.
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Re: 3 Best GS Skiers in The World, at Alta Badia!

Postby h.harb » Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:47 pm

Some people are commenting on my technical analysis on my Facebook page and it's obvious how diverse the understanding of skiing for this level of skiing is. Many believe that it's a good thing to have the inside ski forward, amazing isn't it? If you watch, analize and practice, it's obvious that if the inside foot is forward your inside leg can no longer tip to greater angles. Also, inside foot forward puts your hips in the back seat, especially in the transition. People who think this also have to think that extension is good technique because it's the only way to get forward once stuck back behind the forward foot. And so the justification goes on to poor technique development. So you can see how this pyramid is built, one false understanding and the rest of the coaching goes sour.

Hirscher has the closest stance beside the new Swiss guy, Luitz and Pinterault.
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